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Den Mother Cy
by on April 5, 2016
I should not have to write this blog. yet, here I am.

I should not have to write that exposing any ones personal information in the life style, when they have crafted their own online persona, is an abhorrent treatment that should not be practiced.

Yes, even IF you don't like them.

Especially if you don't like them. It makes you capable of being an adult if you can dislike someone and still interact with them and NOT fuck them over.

The concept of treating someone the way that you want to be treated should not be a foreign ideal in a land of magical unicorns and gnomes. Yet here I am, explaining to you in the SIMPLEST of terms that acting like an asshole, just shows everyone that you are an asshole. You don't score some kind of mythical points if you "take down a boss level Domme".

I also can't believe I am about to quote my mother but, how would you feel if the same things had been done to you? If your site was hacked, if your personal details, that you'd taken time and effort to protect were splashed about on social media where you could no longer control who has access to them?

Would you feel violated?


Suicidal perhaps? I mean, what if people that you'd built damn good relationships with, but you KNEW they didn't like BDSM etc got wind of things that you'd worked to not share with them.

We women, we powerful women, have enough shit to deal with from people trying to Mansplain to us, trying to fight the glass ceiling. Trying to dress sexy, while losing eighty pounds and NOT distracting the 'men' from the real work!

Yet we are apparently much more content fucking each other over for the biggest pay out that we can get, and still whine when NO ONE will help us.

In the past, I've called things like I've seen them. I've announced people too dumb to Domme, I've rolled my eyes at instas, and I've been forceful in my opinions about the best way to treat submissives who screw up.

I was outed by my boss at work, and received many harassing phone calls from her partner, and her, when I complained to her manager, and she subsequently resigned for revealing that I was a "lesbian Dominant who sells books to men for $200.00 each" to a client.

She resigned, and I had to take out a protective order and get the police to intervene AND change my phone number. I still get that hitch in my heart when I go down the street, knowing full well that she's moved out of state. But who else knows? Who, that I did not PERSONALLY share the information with, can look at me and go, "Oh, she's that one. The Freak."

No one, in this world, has the right to out anyone else. Privacy and Safety are PARAMOUNT (That means Really Fucking IMPORTANT).

All I have left to say is this, and no, they are not my words.

Ever Mind The Rule Of Three
Three Times Your Acts Return To Thee
This Lesson Well, Thou Must Learn
Thou Only Gets What Thee Dost Earn.