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so one of my sweet lil pets fucked up. he forgot to trib on time, and disappointed me last week for other reasons. So I gave him some choices....
1. end chastity challenge at 16 days as planned, but you must cum like a bitch on all fours, in a shot glass, and shoot that bitch when you're done.
2 Wait until I'm through with my work weekend because I will be too tired to deal with it while I'm working. This extends his chastity by more than likely 4 days, because of our work schedules) making 20 days total.
3. I post this blog for ideas, you all give me your ideas for punishments i pick my top 3, and let him choose from that. Whichever idea he picks, he will get that punishment, and trib that Domme 20$ in her local currency. Once that is completed he will be allowed to cum.
So I'm asking each Domme who wants to participate... to give me one idea for a punishment that correlates with mild disappointment he caused on my part. If it includes chastity, fun! But remember by choosing this option he is allowed cum on Friday! Please remember I am not a sadist, I like to keep my punishments fun for me, so I will pick the 3 that I like best for him to choose from. Part of his punishment is knowing I didn't think of it, and he is being asked to trib another Domme. so join in the fun and make a few bucks. I am ending this tonight 7pm my time so I can get his choices to him in a reasonable amount of time. Super excited to see what everyone comes up with. Have fun, and let those creative juices flow! (subs may give ideas as well, and the trib goes to a Domme of their choice) :)
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