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Goddess Bella Donna
by on July 27, 2016
A while back I added a Warning Page to my Blog and I have had a good laugh about some of the comments I deleted to it. The thing is that they got to see a different side of Me. Most people know Me as a "nice and diplomatic" type of personality, but somewhere along the lines I guess you could say something snapped inside of me and the "Bitch" had a full on emergence. Perhaps it's a good reminder that you can push "nice" and be "nice" only so long, because in today's world for some reason "nice" is not respected.

So without further ado I'll share MY WARNING PAGE with you and give you a little chuckle perhaps when MY "Cunt" Side emerges. Sometimes you just have to spell things out for people... *Straight Face*

Welcome to My Warning Page where you will find all the necessary warnings in order to keep MY ass out of hot water! With other words if you are have read this text and are still getting offended after or can’t manage to have some form of personal accountability if any of my posts or content lead to you spending money and indulging in any of your kinky, adult or fetish addictions, it’s not my fault. I warned you ahead of time and OH as the NOTICE at the FOOTER of the Blog says clearly and you agree to each time when coming here:


By the way that was a not so nice translation of what it says, but it might get the point across a little better these days. It also gives you a little taste of the straight forward and at times politically incorrect and rather insensitive to your sensibilities language you may find here.

When I started this blog back up I had every intention to be “nice” and keep it purely “professional”, but as time went on I realized that in this time and age it is becoming almost impossible to not offend someone. No matter what I’ll do and what I’ll say someone is going to get their knickers in a bunch and get butt hurt. So I decided that well if you want to be such bleeding hearts nitwits I might as well stop trying to censor everything I say and hello this blog is NOT PG13 rating. It’s supposed to be for mature adults who are able to just click an X at the top and think “Fuck you bitch” while moving on and go about their day if a topic comes up they can’t agree with or handle. Sounds pretty fair to me and I won’t blame you one bit if you do. I probably wouldn’t like you either, so how can I expect you to become my new BFF?

So let’s go over some fair warnings so you don’t get blind sided when being here. I consider this a Lady like courtesy I offer to MY readers. Sounds fair right?

I am known by several names and tags. Among them is THE SATANIC GODDESS, CRUEL FINDOM DEITY, THE LAUGHING FINDOMME and to those less favorably inclined towards me “that fucking opinionated bitch from Hell!” LOL yeah I read the comments before I deleted them.

Now some of those should give you a clue about me. For one I can be a bitch, I can be cruel and merciless, I can be out for my bottom line and I am definitely not following some stupid ass religious dogma that should feel like an insult to anyone with even a speck of a brain. Oh and I am politically incorrect and seriously don’t give a good damn about your sensitivities any longer, because I don’t have the time to constantly check which fringe group or religious organization got their panties in a wad this time and what words are ok to use and which are not.

You see I work and I work a lot. When I don’t work I am actually out there trying to live a life and explore the world, people and places around me. I just don’t have the time or energy to waste on the stupidity of the day and who wants to be called what today and any other issues you might have just so you can keep your drama in the national news. With other words unlike so many people out there I don’t have that kind of time on my hands that I can waste it crawling up someone elses ass all the time and kiss it. Not to mention that as a Femdom I prefer to have MY ASS KISSED instead of the other way around. It’s kind of hypocritical of me I know that I want you to give me the respect to either serve me, buy the content I spend hours producing for you, pay a fair fee for gaining my attention so you can jerk off or want you the hell out of my face with your “issues” and “wants”. I know you are not liking me very much right now and geez my capitalistic nature but guess what, this is America here and we are in the year 2016. By now you should have caught on that women no longer give a shit about carrying the “good girl badge” around everywhere and oh business big or small is driven by capitalism.

Nowhere on my blog does it claim that I am part of a non-profit organization or am running a welfare department for the perverted financially challenged. I am not I am sorry or I guess I should say I am not sorry.

Oh and yes I rant and rage against the obvious stupidities that you keep forcing into all of our faces and I do have a really strong sense of justice, but it might not agree with your sense of justice, because I don’t believe in you forcing other people into giving up their freedom just so you can have yours. Oh and no somethings are not your right to demand and when you start calling for things that go way too far just because you think you are so darn special (read short bus special) then I’ll eventually lose my cool and give you a piece of my mind. Let’s see how you like it when someone calls you out on your BS the way you try to do to everyone else all the time. Remember each coin has two sides and mirrors show the ugly just as much as the beautiful.

By the way, yes thank you I know I am a hypocritical asshole at times, but at least I own up to it. I am going to be forced to eat crow from time to time and admit I was wrong, but you know what that’s fine with me. I’d rather say I am sorry and admit I was wrong if you can show me the error of my ways, then say yes and amen to every stupid notion that you can cook up without thinking about it and at least running through my own BS filter first. I don’t do so good being a sheep in a herd of sheep. I tend to be the Ram that will butt you right over the edge of your particular little cliff if you get on my nerves for too long.

Oh and yes I am an Adult Fetish Business Woman thank you very much. I know that might offend you because I am actually capitalizing on your fetish weaknesses and demand to be paid to allow you to live out your fantasies and kinky needs, but again that’s not my problem. You know what to do if that offends you. I don’t owe you my time and attention nor your jerk off material for free just because I happen to have tits, an ass and a pussy. Oh and no by the way that doesn’t mean I am going to allow you to see them either unless I decide that you are worthy of that special privilege. Take a really good long guess what your chances are of that to happen for cheap or free if at all.

One more thing, just because I ridicule you, humiliate you, or otherwise fuck with your mind doesn’t mean I hate you. Matter of fact you are not important enough for me to waste my time and energy hating on you or anyone else. You don’t get that power from me. I am kind of like a Hoarder when it comes to Power, I keep it all to myself and just keep adding more and more and more and … well you get the picture.

Ah and one more reminder, this is MY realm here and what I say goes and matters here. As I said you have the right to disagree with me and think I am one hell of a bitch and cunt even, but it’s not going to make a lick of difference to me that you do. Surprisingly unless you are paying ALL OF MY BILLS, are MY LIFE PARTNER / COMPANION or … well no that’s actually it, you really don’t have anything to say in my world.

I know it’s a shocker that a woman who calls herself a Femdom and an Alpha Female actually really doesn’t care if you think she is nice and sweet. I can be when you deserve it, but in general eh…. I been around way too long to worry about what people on the Internet think about it.

Now I think those are all nice and fair warnings and give you a good idea what you might run into here from time to time. Oh don’t worry I am human, we are going to have some Kumbaja moments too and I’ll probably even fall apart from time to time too when MY real life shows it’s bitch side like everyone else’s and nobody gives a damn because I am not out there parading round with some signs in protest about the unfairness of my existence. Haha. Rolls eyes.

Oh and yes I will talk about some of my favorite kinks and fetishes too when I feel like it and present them from MY point of view. So if human sexuality which fetishism is part of gets you all nervous and gives you nightmares for days to come because you still think that sexuality and sex should be hidden in a closet somewhere, then I guess you should go to somewhere else during those horrid times.

Gee this just keeps coming ….

One more thing… I am not an empowered woman either…. I am a woman of POWER and darlings that is a whole different kettle of fish. You see empowered means that I would actually give a damn about your approval and that I have to take specific approved by other so called “empowered women” action in order to be part of that twisted little glee club of womanhood. I am sorry but I don’t believe in that either. Don’t worry you’ll read tons more about those subjects over time, because trust me I’ll rack on it just as much as I’ll rack on so called men these days. NONE of you are safe here from that. *winks*.

My POWER is not dependent on you, it’s something I naturally carry inside of me and you can’t take away from me either. I know what a concept!

Well I think that’s enough for one page. I consider you fairly warned now and at this point you can make an informed decision if you wish to expose yourself to MY twisted, often politically incorrect and most of the time insensitive to the easily offended points of view.


Goddess Bella Donna