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Goddess Bella Donna
by on July 24, 2016
Why does the word financial scare you so?
Goddess Bella Donna's thoughts on perception

It's time for some Sunday musings dears. Today I want to share some thoughts about the fear or loathing so many of you seem to have when we mention "financial" before domination or fetish.

I originally come out of real time BDSM and have trained many submissive types over the years since I found my place with BDSM and Fetish. It's a long time hence that I began to explore and gain my skills within.

I've had both long-term as well as short-term servants. Lifestyle as well as Professional - Client type submissives. To say I went along a big spectrum of dealing with various individuals who, like myself, are of a kinky nature would be fair.

Now here is the funny thing to me personally and I see it even these days doing most of my domination online and long distance. Submissive males have no problem at all offering up a gift of gratitude or worship out of their own volition because that is just part of what makes Me smile, but the moment you say it is expected they do so as you will in financial domination or fetish suddenly it becomes an issue. Think about that for a moment.

As a Goddess I command and demand various shows of obedience with submissive minded males daily. I extend orders to them which I expect to be obeyed naturally. I don't even think about it, I give them and My will shall be done. That's how it works. If you can't do that, think disobedience or arguing about it is even an option, then I simply move on from you and replace you with someone who can eventually. It's a common sense behavior and unlike what so many assume or like to use as a trigger word, force doesn't come into it.

BDSM and Fetish interactions are all about being consensual. There was some type of discussion and agreement made ahead of time which resulted in the submissive giving his consent to be controlled by me. Hard limits are respected, soft limits may be stretched over time. It's all laid out nice and clear. Now it's up to Me to guide and command. If the sub goes back on his word by being disobedient to My commands, it's over. I only discipline so often before I accept the fact that he just isn't in the right place of mind.

The same goes for anything that involves the dreaded financial. It's no different. It's another Fetish inclusion or tool of control over you. In many ways it's a very natural one matter of fact since we are moving more and more into a virtual world and long distance D/s relationship with one another.

Over and over we tell you that in our world we live in, Money is Power. When you as the submissive male willingly and eagerly hand over the money you work hard to gain you naturally give over some of that power to Me. You make yourself vulnerable and weaken your "status" for Me. Yes it is a Power Exchange, but it is also a show of your willingness to serve Me and a show of you respect towards Me. It's something you should be doing naturally without struggling against.

Submissives serve, that is what they are there for and that is what they should want to desire to do. To ease the burdens and stresses that every day life naturally brings to all of us. To make my life easier, to do something that is of actual valuable help to Me. I know I am using words that may not be necessarily a turn on, but surprisingly those notions to a true submissive are arousing on a mental and emotional level. They give him or her purpose of being. It's what they need to be permitted to do.

Virtually or long distance you are unable to perform any function that would allow you to meet that purpose in a physical action. The only thing you truly have to offer Me as service and appreciation is of a financial nature. I am going to put it in a way that will sound "wrong" to many but may get it across easier.

By providing the financial contributions to MY financial welfare you are doing exactly what you should be doing if you were before Me. You are easing the stresses of My life. You are making it possible that I can sit back and relax a little while you work hard for Me. I can work less thanks to you. You are taking care of your Goddess in a generously selfless manners. Now doesn't that sound like what a submissive would and should do?

So why does the word financial scare you so much? Maybe because it is associated with a Stigma. Because for some reason you fear to be ripped off. Because in your mind a Mistress should never need money but be self-sufficient, but you forget that her being a financial Mistress as well as often a Femdom doesn't mean She isn't. Because somewhere deep inside you don't want to give up something that you actually had to put a lot of time and effort into gaining - your income? Because somewhere inside of you, you still really think that just being indulged in your fetish desires and playtime that should be enough and is service? Because maybe it's just not about you when you have to surrender financially to a point but truly about Her?

If those are the reasons and thoughts why you are so afraid of financial or loath the idea of being of use in a financial manner, then you need to sit back and remember what I wrote above. If you are a submissive and truly desire to make the Goddess happy, you'd do this of your own volition anyways. It would be natural for you to do so, because somewhere deep down inside you understand that it's the right thing to do.

So instead of acting all outraged or scared each time financial servitude or tributes are being mentioned, sit back and appreciate that you are given an easy for you to do way of providing service to your Miss. Of doing exactly what you'd be doing in a different version in real time as well. That in the end you live up to your submissive nature as a male.

Let me remind you of an old phrase that has been around for a long long time:

Men provide and Women decide!

That's how it always has been in our world and how it should be. Financial is just a much more honest and straight forward way of assuring that holds true.

Goddess Bella Donna