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Cash Verified Slaves
by on July 22, 2016
Gents,subs,sissies,pets,pissants,and slugs

Browsing through all of the posts,sites,tweets etc..labelled under the guise of "Femdom" these days is enough to brainwash the most enlightened of betas,much less the dumbest of turds into thinking all types of preposterous nonsense.

1)Women you see online are NOT after your useless dangler. They do not want to see it,rate it,talk about it,really they want nothing to do with that thing,so keep it under wrap,and on the DL. Don't think with it,don't speak with it,and do not allow it to influence your behavior towards women in any way. It is NOT complimentary to share with women how the sight or thought of them stirs up that one eyed mealy worm parading around in tighty whiteys.

2)FinDommes are not whores or out of work scammers. Bdsm is not a place of judgement. No fetish is any better than any other. Of course we all have our personal preferences,but that does not gives us the right to stand in judgement or shame others for theirs. Act like a fucking adult,rather than a high schooler. Women who dominate financially,who receive gifts of gratitude and homage,are not all out to prey upon poor innocent(lmao) males. I am not saying that there are not bad apples in the cart,but c'mon use common sense here. Too many times I have heard whining in the forms of "you just want the money"(hmm what makes you think that,oh yeah the fact that I expect to be treated with respect for my time and attention like a Goddess should be) or the tired old line"I have been conned in the past by a dude pretending to be a Lady"(seriously put that shit to bed,you were led by your dick,and you got burned,YOUR bad,not mine!!)

3)BDSM is not based upon sex! This myth is the one which annoys me the most. Bondage,discipline,sadism,masochism. Hmm do you see the word sex there? Ya I know that there is tons of Femdom porn out there,but for fuck's sake wake up and realize that those movies,clips etc...are for entertainment purposes only. Do you ever see them titled as non-fiction? Hell no. They are NOT the reality of a bdsm power exchange. They are written and created to play to dick desires. Developed in the hopes that males who are led by their dicks(let's face it,that is most of you) will buy the product,thereby enriching the production company's profit line. Sex sells,no big insider secret there. The ignorance only comes into play when you believe it to be an accurate portrayal.

4)You and your dick are not a prize that every woman out there is going to fight over for a piece of it.

5)Submission is not sex,it is not selfishness,it is not a game. Submitting to a woman is not about what you can get out of it. It is not a tit for tat scenario. It is not a session where you jack off. It is not even really about you,and definitely not about your ego. Submission is about doing your best for your Domme. It is about making her happy(and yes that includes financially),and seeing to her satisfaction(nope not talking about sexual satisfaction). It is about being a better person for her. It is about eradicating that over-inflated male ego which society has led you to believe you are entitled to. It is about humbling yourself with the realization that your purpose is not to lead,but to be led. It is knowing that your wants are insignificant in the face of hers.

Hope that clears up a few things,if not,feel free to buy a fucking clue :)