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Cash Verified Slaves
by on March 23, 2016
My best friend moved away last year to the neighboring state. She still comes to see me once a month or so. Usually, We don't have much time to do anything but hang out at home, but today was perfect! We both had time to spare, money to blow, and nothing to do all day! We planned out a great Girls day. Starting with lunch and ending with a pedicure.

Lunch was amazing! We spent the longest time talking and stuffing Our faces with great food. She is doing great in the town where She moved, She has made a lot of new friends, but She, of course, misses Me. As I do Her. And I was once again unsuccessful at convincing her to move back. I try everytime She visits, or I visit Her. One day... One day....

Anyway, We get to the nail salon, talk over what We want with the ladies and get settled down to start with Our afternoon of light pampering. I need to state that I get acrylics very rarely. I love them, it's just the upkeep takes too much time. So, I keep My natural nails long and healthy throughout most of the year. Today, I was going to get acrylics. I miss them. I miss how they make Me feel. I sit down in front of the lady and My friend gets comfortable in a pedicure chair.

My friend has picked out her toenail color and is really enjoying the jets from the pedicure chair. I'm getting My beautiful nails clipped away, and My phone goes off. The lady is done with clipping the nails on My dominant hand, so I answer My phone while She trims away the beautiful nails on My other hand. It's an emergency. We have to leave that minute. All My beautiful nails are gone and My friends feet are wet. They didn't actually do anything that needed to be paid for, but We left a tip and hightailed it out of there.

My friend went back home and I dealt with the emergency. So much for a girls day out. Sigh. Now I'm cranky and My beautiful nails are gone.
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