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This blog is about my journey towards trying to fully embrace my place as a financial submissive for superior Women, embracing financial domination as both a duty and an addiction and attempting to ensure I can never quit my place in financial servitude to my Female betters.
I believe consistency is one of the most important factors in being a financial slave or submissive. Consistently tributing Female superiors, whether that be as a community financial submissive or as an owned financial slave. Too often submissive males will tribute for a time, then disappear, 'ghosting' as it is known. From my own perspective as a submissive male, I believe we do this for various reasons, such as trying to quit financial domination completely, taking a break from it because we have tributed more than we anticipated and are trying to rebuild our finances, or sometimes a submissive will continue tributing but choose to tribute a different Domme without having the courtesy or courage to tell the Domme they were previously tributing that they wanted to end that particular financial slave relationship. Inevitably, ghosting does not last and most submissive males will return again to tribute, either the same Domme (or Dommes) or different ones. Because, as well as it being a kink, and for some of us, a belief in our rightful place in life, for many submissive men, financial servitude is an addiction. Like all addictions, we financially submissive males will often attempt to quit our addiction by going cold turkey, but failing and relapsing, again and again in an endless cycle of feeding our addiction, trying to quit our addiction and failing again, ad infinitum.
In the past, I have been guilty of all of these behaviours. When I began financially serving (around 2008, though I have been submissive to women in one way or another all my adult life) I decided I would tribute only small amounts, ocassionally, when I felt in the mood to do so, because I understood how financially ruinous it could otherwise be. I regarded it as stupid to endanger my financial future and my savings for old age by getting too deeply involved. I didn't realise it would become an addiction and I assumed I had control over it. Like many addictions, the need for the rush it gives you increases over time, and before long I was tributing three figure sums on a regular basis. At some point I became scared of how much I was tributing and tried to quit for the first time. My first attempt at quitting failed when I felt the desperate urge to serve my Female superiors again. So did my next attempt at quitting, and the one after that, and the one after that. I had entered the very common cycle of the financial domination addicted submissive who keeps trying and failing to quit.
However, as a Female Supremacist who sees biological Women as the superior gender, not as a kink, but as a reality, I was always disappointed in myself when I tried to quit financial domination for the sake of my own financial future. I truly believe the place of males is to serve Women and make sacrifices for their greater glory. One of the best and most tangible ways to do this is via financial servitude, so every time I tried to quit financial domination for my own selfish reasons, I was failing in this duty.
I therefore began to see it as my duty to embrace my addiction to financial domination and to attempt to not only sabotage my attempts to quit, but to try and stop myself wanting to quit at all. It was my duty to put aside my fears about my financial future, to break the cycle of quitting, relapsing and quitting again, and instead embrace financial sacrifice and my financial enslavement to my Female betters on a permanent basis.
This is the journey I am on today. I hope to keep to it and I greatly admire Women who selfishly put themselves and their own wants (not even needs, just wants) before men. Those who believe that financial servitude is the rightful place, if not of all men, then at least for sexually undesirable reject men like myself. I appreciate Dommes have differing opinions on the subject of men with serious financial domination addictions, that some will encourage them to spend only within a particular budget, or perhaps there are some who will believe not all men are suited to financial domination. However, as a Female Supremacist I must admit I personally admire those Dommes who always put themselves and their own wants ahead of any submissive male and his attempts to quit financial domination. I admire Dommes who encourage submissive males to relapse into financial domination addictions, because I truly believe the place of the male is to serve Women.
Being a member of this site helps keep me in my rightful place as a financial subservient, embracing my financial enslavement instead of fighting against it. I greatly appreciate being in an environment full of superior Women engaging in the financial domination of men and who, for the most part, positively support each other in doing so. Despite my having an unshakeable belief that my rightful place is financially sacrificing for my Female superiors, to be a member of this site, in an evironment of superior Women who daily reinforce this belief, via their updates, blogs and conversation in the chatroom, and just their presence on this site, is a great help in preventing me from trying to quit financial domination.
Another thing that helps prevent me from trying to quit financial domination is the monthly Human ATM meets that I arrange in the chatroom (details in this blog for the uninitiated ). It is a commitment, made in advance, that I must then stick to if I do not want to shame myself in front of the entire site community.
In conclusion I believe I will never be able to quit Financial Domination for as long as I am earning money than can be tributed. Sexuality is hardwired. In the same way a heterosexual or homosexual person does not choose which gender they are most attracted to, I cannot choose whether I am submissive or not. My sexual excitement is too intrinsically linked to serving and being dominated by superior Women and I have learned that the best way to serve superior Women is financially. On the one hand I am sexually excited at the thought of Women being powerful, worshipped and able to wield that power to enrich their lives, on the other, my deep fetish need for humiliation gives me the sexual urge to feel the humiliation of Women financially exploiting me and using me for their own selfish desires, treating me as a lesser, inferior being who must suffer in order that they may enjoy life at my literal expense. Beyond the purely animalistic need to satisfy my own constant, raging, sexual urge for being dominated and humiliated, there is the intellectual aspect, where I feel, very deeply, that Women are naturally superior to men and deserving of being served. Therefore, knowing I will never be able to quit Financial Domination, a testament to the power Women hold over me, I see it as my duty to embrace my addiction to the fullest and to do all I can to break the cycle of ghosting and relapsing, accepting instead, my permanent enslavement to being financially used by superior Women.