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Cash Verified Slaves
Ms. Pauley Belle
by on November 10, 2024

A favorite memory of a session was one from a vacation with one of my subs. A long weekend which included a concert, tours of museums, and an evening at a BDSM club we had heard of.

I know, I look nice and perhaps even sweet. Do not let looks fool you. That evening I kept my look low-key. We had dinner plans early and would not be able to return to the hotel prior to our reserved time at the club.  I wore a simple black pantsuit, wearing the jacket as a top, and my usual boots. Nothing that said "do not mess with me",  I like being able to look "normal" in public. My walking wall of a sub (6'3") was in a dress pants, button-up shirt, and a tie. We could have fit in anywhere. 

Under dim, pulsing lights, the music thundered through the floor as we stepped into the club. I was here for a good night with one of my subs—no drama, no nonsense—just a public session at a place we were visiting out of town. 

My sub and I approached the front desk together. We were excited about tonight. He made the arraignments for us to visit this BDSM club. I had seen pictures and was looking forward to trying out the facility. The man at the desk  greeted us and checked us in. "Your sub" pointing at me, "can use the dressing rooms over there to change". My sub grew red in the face and looked panicked at me. I pat his had, subtly letting him know he was not in trouble. I turned to face the greeter fully, standing straight, all 5'4" of me. I kept my voice calm and quiet but made sure he understood. "I am a Domme, not a sub".

It was clear he had not expected that. He mumbled something about "never had a female dominant in here before". I asked if that was a problem and he assured us that it was okay. "Should be novel" he said.

Finally, we entered the play area. I allowed my sub to pick the first apparatus for play. He chose a kneeling spanking bench right smack in the middle of the room. He is such a diva. We passed a Daddy Dom with his female little on the way to the bench.  She smiled at me. I remarked "what a "precious treasure you have" to him. Her smile grew bigger.

I inspected the bench and approved the choice. Demanded my sub to undress. This I knew was the highlight of his day. Anytime he can get naked in public is a treat for him. At that moment the rest of the people present realized, I was the one in charge. 

The little excitedly asked her Daddy Dom, "Can I play with her, please Sir. He told her they could ask after my session. I smiled to myself knowing damn good and well she might not want to join in after watching.

My sub unpacked some of my portable dungeon bag. He was happily picking out the instruments I would use and neatly laying them out on a table near the bench. Two different Wharton wheels, my favorite pink paddle, two wooden paddle, and an assortment of floggers. We discussed what would be enjoyable for us both and agreed on a safe word for the evening. He was being cheeky and chose "novel". 

He kneeled on the bench and I placed leather quick cuffs on his wrists to secure him to the bench. I ran my hands around his body. Checking to make sure every thing felt right. The marks from the night before were all faded. I planned to make new ones all over. 

I let myself lose track of time as we played. Occasionally, I caught glimpses of people around us watching, probably baffled that I was enjoying my sub's pain. They were accustomed to submissive females, not sadistic ones. 

By he time we moved from the bench to a St. Andrew's cross, I was quite warm. I took off the jacket and revealed the red and black bustier underneath. I knew eyes were on me. After he was secured, I flogged my sub. He had chosen the Marble Motherfucker. Clear tubing filled with glass marbles and bent into a tennis racket shape. This is not a toy for most. This sub loves a deep tissue pain. After only four hits he yelled out "Novel". I immediately stopped and switched to a wooded paddle. I purposely hit in a  repetitive motion on his buttocks which caused him to ejaculate all over the wall. I laughed. The men in the room looked horrified. My sub's back now covered in red bruises and his goo all over the wall, he was smiling with glee. He truly is a pain slut. After care was given. Soothing words of how happy his pain made me and attention to the bruises, I then pulled out cleaning supplies from my bag and made him clean up his mess.

I went to get some water for the two of us. As I passed the Daddy Dom and his little, she remarked to him "Daddy I don't think I want to play with her. She is kind of scary". I giggled to myself, got the water, and finished the session. My sub packed up my dungeon bag and got dressed. We spent a half hour chatting with those that approached. Not many did. Then headed out.

At the end of the night, I left with my head high, laughing. I learned a lot more about how people see me—and how wrong they are. Hmm, wonder if females domes are still novel there.

Topics: bdsm, memory, session