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Cash Verified Slaves
by on November 9, 2024

The title of this blog is to honour the 13 superior women, financial domme members of this site, who joined the latest of my monthly Chatroom Human ATM gatherings on Sunday November 3rd (Jonathan is my real name). For anyone not aware of these events, I have been hosting monthly pre-arranged Chatroom gatherings where I submit to dispensing US$500 dollars to be shared between the first of up to 10 Dommes who join the Chatroom during a set hour. They occur one Sunday each month, the date pre-announced in advance in my blog. The Domme limit for tributes was to ensure that each Domme joining, if they are in the first 10, gets to receive a tribute of no less than US$50 from my US$500 budget. Although not a huge amount per Domme, it is quite a sizeable amount in total, but the tribute is in part just a bit of extra incentive to encourage engagement with the Chatroom and the social side of this site. I think of it as being rather like receiving an expensive complimentary drink upon arrival.

I haven't been doing these Chatroom Human ATM gatherings for long, this was only the fifth such gathering, and the previous four had typically attracted between 4-6 Dommes on each occassion. This last Sunday something remarkable happened, when no less than 13 Dommes joined the Chatroom during the set hour. This presented me with a situation I had not encountered before, the prospect of having to tell the last 3 Dommes that the $500 budget was all used up on the 10 Dommes who joined the room ahead of them.

I often think of Financial Domination as an endless battle of wills, between Financial Dommes seeking to ensure submissives are tributing as much as they can, versus the genuine submissive who nevertheless faces something of an inner struggle, balancing his urge to serve and be useful, against his will for financial self-preservation. Because however much a submissive like myself wants to financially serve, there will always be an element of an instinct for self-preservation. It is why submissives who are not timewasters in the sense that they do actually tribute, as opposed to those who talk about it but never do, nevertheless often disappear (what we often refer to as ghosting) after tributing. I regard myself as having a financial domination addiction. I have tried quitting many times in the past, due to worries I am not saving enough for old age. However, my submissive sexuality, combined with a fervent belief that women are superior to men, and that the place of men is to serve women both financially and otherwise, always keeps me crawling back to be used again. It is what I have come to regard as my rightful place in life, and by hosting these Chatroom Human ATM sessions in advance, I help ensure that I do not escape my Financial Domination addiction, one month at a time, because once announced it is a matter of my submissive honour to always follow through as promised.

So back to the situation I found myself in last Sunday. 10 Dommes had entered the Chatroom during the hour in which I was serving as a Human ATM, and after the 9th of my female superiors appeared in the room, I did begin to wonder whether it was possible it would go beyond 10. Sure enough an 11th superior woman joined the chat after my $500 budget had been used up on the previous 10. In reality I never expected my monthly gatherings to gain this much traction. The idea of my Chatroom Human ATM hour was to drive interaction with the chatroom and 10 seemed like an ambitious, somewhat hopeful, aim on my part. 13 was beyond my wildest expectations.

Faced with the prospect of telling the 11th Domme she was too late, the side of me that fights my financial domination addiction fortunately lost the battle of wills to my Female Supremacist beliefs, and submissive sexuality urge to serve. I suggested to the chatroom, having already made up my mind, that I should perhaps extend my budget by another US$50 to accomodate the latest Domme to join the chat. As I would naturally hope and expect, no Domme was going to suggest I save myself, and the precedent was set. Having tributed an eleventh Domme, going beyond the pre-set rules of my game and my budget, I was hardly going to resist another Domme entering the chatroom within the appointed hour. As it turned out, another two did. Again, on each occassion, I suggested to the room that I extend my budget to accomodate their arrival, and again, on each occassion, I was urged to do so. No Domme was going to suggest I save myself.

Any will to resist my financial thrasing was gone, if indeed I had any in the first place. Financially humbled by my Domme superiors, I felt much like a docile puppy, being led on a leash by their comments, with two US$50 bills in my mouth to the last two Dommes to join the room. If one regards the battle of wills in Financial Domination as a sport, then I was given a well deserved and humiliating 13-0 thrashing by my Female Superiors. Female Supremacy was the winner over my inferior male self, as it rightfully always should be.

So I felt the urge to write this blog, in commemoration of the occassion. As a tribute to each and every one of the 13 superior women who drained this male inferior of his cash in that magical hour in the chatroom last Sunday. I hope you all enjoyed the event. I realise US$50 is not a huge amount each, the tribute amount inevitably can't be when I am looking to be useful to multiple Dommes, but I hope you enjoyed the social side of getting to speak to so many of your fellow Dommes, and in fact I know many of you did. This was after all the original idea of these events. To drive engagement with the chatroom and the site in general. I am aware of at least one Domme friendship that I believe began in one of my Chatroom Human ATM events, and that pleases me greatly. I am also aware some of you chatted for hours after I had to retire due to the hour in my time zone requiring I sleep before work.

I am curious to see how many Dommes will join my next Chatroom Human ATM event. I think perhaps as many as 13 will be unusual, but I hope the previous average of 4-6 will be frequently broken in future, as the event becomes more established and awareness of it grows. Hopefully the thought of so many Dommes in the chatroom at one time will also encourage some more submissives to join the chat and tribute at least some of the Dommes whilst they are there. If the thought of tributing so many Dommes at once is too daunting, just tributing one is better than contributing nothing at all. You don't even have to do it publicly. If you join the chat and like a Domme you encounter there, just DM her with a sincere desire to tribute, asking for her preferred payment method. You don't even have to do as much as that if her preferred payment method is in her site profile, you could just silently send if that is your thing. Just always be polite, respect her as your superior, as her status as a Domme demands, and don't waste her time.

As for myself, I will continue to set my budget at US$500 for future events, but should more than 10 Dommes join a future event, we have already seen that my budget can potentially be extended when I am feeling weak and malleable. Should such an occassion arise again, I am almost certain any Dommes who have already guaranteed their tribute from being in the first 10 to join the room, will urge me, in a spirit of solidarity with their fellow Female Superiors, and with no sympathy for my urge for self-preservation, to sacrifice to any additional Dommes who join the room in the appointed hour.

9 people like this.
Lady Edith Outlier
Beautifully expressed, your attitude does you credit. I had a lot of fun chatting the other Dommes, and particularly watching you cave so easily to each successive Domme who joined the chat after the initial ten. I very much enjoy your human ATM nights, and hope it inspires some of the other boys t... View more
Like November 9, 2024
Thank you Lady Edith. I am glad you had a great time and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve in this way.
Like November 10, 2024
so darts we shall be aplaying....
Like November 10, 2024
weak and malleable, just how I like them
Like November 10, 2024
I aim to please Miss Alley
Like November 23, 2024
Your willingness to serve should be the envy and goal of other subs.
Like November 22, 2024
Thank you very much my superior
Like November 23, 2024