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I know how tough it can feel with you are working and producing content and no one seems to notice your efforts. You keep seeing more and more high tributes from all this other people and your are thinking, "Well fuck where is mine." Jealousy hits even the best of us. So what do you do?
Comment or like that post from another successful person. Go for a walk and think about what you can do to make that happen for you. Use these three questions as a guideline.
What do I want?
What am I doing to get it?
Is it working for me?
If not then what can I change to make a better outcome?
These are increadably simple questions that will stop you from focusing and comparing yourself to everyone. They will also stop you from playing the victum because it teaches you to actually stop and change your though patterns.
No one every got successful from doing absolutely nothing. It takes time, effort and improvement.
As Lady Gaga once said "Fight and push harder for what you believe in, you'd be surprised, you are much stronger than you think."
“I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.” -- Estée Lauder
"Creating the culture of burnout is the opposite of creating a culture of sustainable creativity." -- Arianna Huffington
So the next time you are feeling horrible. Find a role model. Blar your favorite music. Dance and love you.