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Cash Verified Slaves
by on October 8, 2024

In the shadow of words, a mesmerizing trance,
A chess game of persuasion, a captivating dance.
With rhythm and rhyme, I lay the track,
A golden thread, no charm shall it lack.

Through the maze of your thoughts, I will weave,
Crafting illusions only you'll believe.
In sentences, I breathe life into dreams,
In the silence between, I plant my wonderful schemes.

Feel the pulse of this verse, the magic unfolds,
As I script a tale that time beholds.
Drawing you closer with each small refrain,
The echo of my spell, in your heart shall remain.

The paradox of fears, the thrill of desire,
In the kindle of words, I set your world on fire.
From the ashes of chaos, a phoenix arises,
Your spirit rekindled, a tale it comprises.

I whisper into the wind, the secrets untold,
In the depths of your mind, a saga takes hold.
A symphony of emotions, I paint unto thee,
Through the looking glass of words, your own self you see.

In the prism of language, I capture the light,
In the chalice of rhythm, I contain the night.
With wisdom woven, in the tapestry of time,
In the echo of words, I make you mine.

Not a mere verse, not merely a song,
A magical spell, to whom you will belong.
In the web of words, I cast on you,
A spellbinding story, forever anew.

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