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by on July 13, 2024

1. Damages Personal Reputation: Ghosting someone directly impacts your personal reputation. It signals a lack of respect, empathy, and maturity. In today's interconnected world, word of mouth travels fast, and such behavior could damage your reputation, making it challenging to build new relationships in the future.But you do you boo.

2. Hinders Personal Growth: By ghosting, we are avoiding uncomfortable situations and reducing our ability to handle tough conversations. This ultimately hinders our emotional growth and maturity. Facing uncomfortable situations head-on helps us grow as individuals. So you need to ditch the bitch and put on your big girl panties and deal with it.

3. Worsens Self-Image: Ghosting might seem like the easy way out, but it often leads to feelings of guilt and regret. Continuous engagement in such behavior can negatively impact self-image and self-esteem, leading to self-doubt and even depression.

4. Promotes Negativity: Ghosting someone fosters negativity; it brings about feelings of confusion, anger, and hurt for the person being ghosted. And remember, negativity breeds negativity. By ghosting someone, you are promoting a cycle of harmful behavior.You may not care but I do.

5. Devalues Emotions: In the realm of seeking one to serve, ghosting someone devalues the emotional connection and feelings that were once shared. This lack of closure can emotionally impact the person on the receiving end, leading to prolonged pain and confusion, and of course intense anger.

6. Affects Mental Health: Ghosting not only impacts the person being ghosted but also has psychological effects on the person doing the ghosting. The guilt and negative emotions associated with ghosting can lead to stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Goes along with the worsening of self image.

7. Creates Trust Issues: Ghosting creates trust issues for both parties involved. The ghosted party may face difficulty trusting in future relationships, while the ghoster might create self-trust issues, contemplating whether their decision was morally right or wrong.if outed publicly it can create trust issues with potential future partners.

8. Unfinished Business: Ghosting leaves issues unresolved. In the long run, the unresolved problems might come back to haunt you, bringing more complication and stress into your life.So lesson is, Dont ghost me.

9. Shows Lack of Respect: Ghosting shows a lack of respect for the other person's feelings and time. It's essential to treat others the way we would like to be treated. You may be a puss but I demand to be respected regardless of your carpet wetting ways.

10. Remember Karma: What goes around, comes around. Ghosting someone might give you temporary relief, but remember that karma can come back around. Treating others kindly and respectfully always pays off in the end.I often become karma and my wrath isnt very nice to deal with so why incur it in the first place?