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Cash Verified Slaves
Mistress Carolina M
by on July 11, 2016
You like to be told that you are only good for money. That you can't handle your money on your own. You need a woman to take care of that for you.

Your money is just a symbol of your power... which you desperately need to hand over, to Me.

As a matter of fact, your money has no value until it's in My hands. At that point it becomes alive. A symbol of My Power over you. Your passions ebb and flow with the debits and credits in your bank account.

You wait longingly (and fearfully) until I make a transaction. Maybe I let you have some money that day. Maybe I don't. Maybe I flaunt My latest purchase in front of your face or by text message.

At the same time, I am your protector. I do not abuse you, I do not leave you with nothing. I leave you with just enough for exactly what I decide you need.

The thrill and rush I get when I receive your cash... it flows all through My body. And somehow, no matter how far or near we are, it flows from mine to yours.

It's as if, at the moment we consented to our arrangement, our quantum particles became entangled. Einstein called it "spooky action at a distance." It's an instant reaction. Our bodies are connected.

Is this the type of relationship you're looking for?

If my ideas match yours, we should discuss further. Or you can simply give Me your credit card info, and we will go from there.