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Cash Verified Slaves
Mistress Michelle
by on July 7, 2016
My Flip Flop wimp was passing close by on his way back home after a business trip and I allowed him to stop by and see me for a short period of time. He was supposed to be tributing a large amount of money but it hadn't made it to his bank yet. Yes he took money out of his 401k for mistress!! So instead I took the money for a nice pedicure and manicure. He will deposit the $$$ when they arrive into his account hopefully tomorrow. While he was here I gave him the pair of flip flops that he bought for me and I have been wearing for almost 2 years. He paid an obscene amount of $$ to get them back and it was funny to see his reaction when he was able to take them with him. Sooo pathetic! He made sure as we were speaking to always remain positioned lower than me and NEVER made eye contact! At some point he will be coming back to work on my house, i.e, re-do the kitchen floors etc. He will pay for it all AND I will also charge him $15 an hour to be able to do it! he he he

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