Cam Verified Domme
Cam Verified Domme
Cam Verified Domme
Cam Verified Domme
So many Dommes trying to assert power and control over their subs. But how do you do it? Especially online. On twitter and other social media the option to Block someone seems like the easiest way. Not only to shut someone up quickly, but to show the person being blocked that for whatever reason the blocker doesn't want the blockee to chat with them.
But is blocking really the right way to deal with unruly, non paying, attention seeking slaves? Is there a time to block and a time not to? Is it even effective. What do the slaves who have been blocked think about it? Here is what I've experienced.
I too have been a blocker and sometimes still use it. It's very easy to press a button just to shut someone up, or perhaps it's a quick fix to demonstrate just how upset you are at someone by making it so they cannot communicate with you in that moment. But really is it effective? The subs I've spoken with about being blocked have told me they do one of three things.
1. Accept that the Domme who blocked them doesn't want to talk to them and move on
2. Make a new account and ask the Blocking Domme why they were blocked. Because you can't communicate with a blocked account. Can't even look at the account of the person who blocked you.
3. A very small few actually have paid an unblock fees but only after making it part of their sessions with their Domme or they had been serving their Domme for a long time and pissed her off enough to where she blocked them.
Most subs I spoke with didn't think it was an effective form of control as there are so many Dommes online that the sub looking for interaction just moved onto another Findom.
So when is it a good time to block someone and when is it totally unwarranted? Here are some hints to help you decide if you should block somoene or not.
Some reasons to block:
1. If they are being obscene, rude, threatening or violent. - pretty much self explanatory
2. If it is their fetish to be blocked. - Some subs have a blocking fetish. If so then block away and get yours.
3. When you truly do not want to speak with this person ever again. - Blocking should be the final act in ending a relationship. If you block, mean it dont use it frivously otherwise it has no effect. Like swearing or crying if you do it all the time it has no meaning.
Some reasons Not To Block:
1. If you think it will make them tribute - Blocking someone just to make them tribute is not going to work unless that sub has a blocking fetish and usually it's not just about being blocked its about not having contact with their favorite person.
2. You are upset with them - when you are upset with someone, cutting off communication is the worst thing you can do. Nothing gets solved in silence and all you are doing is making yourself look childish.
3. If they don't tribute immediately - Getting a slave to tribute to you takes finesse, nuance and a certain "je ne sais quoi" and blocking someone out right because they didnt send is like turning away a customer at the door because the last time they came into your store they didnt buy anything. You would never do that, so why are you doing it to subs? You could have just blocked a whale becaues you were too busy being a stupid bitch. Most people look around before they buy and it's no different with Findom.
The bottom line is, using the block feature as a Findom can be useful if used in the correct manner. Using it because you think it's going to trigger a sub to tribute 9/10 is not going to work.
Perfect example, Some Domme looks at her following list and starts sending out random DM's to her followers that she's blocking them and its going to cost $50 to unblock. How many of those followers do you think will pay the $50? ZERO. Why? Because you just blocked them. How are they going to even know who you are? Unless they had some engagement with you prior to blocking, you just took their ability to respond away so now they have to either make a new account to talk to you, pay or move onto somoene else and guess what? They are guys, they are lazy, they want to get off NOW! They are easily distracted, THEY WILL MOVE ON!
Unless you have a vibrating pussy that shoots out rainbows, beer and starbursts they are not going to give a shit about you blocking them.
So get your itchy trigger finger off he block button. Find a better way to use your slaves, or block them all and leave them to me, because I'll make sure they are treated properly.