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easily led
by on February 8, 2023

I have been fortunate enough to be owned by Miss Dakota for over 4 years now.  As might be imagined, there have been many ups and downs in our respective worlds (we live in different parts of the country).  We chat and talk most days but, of course, there are times when that is not possible.  I don’t like those times! 😉 Miss Dakota is an integral part of my life and while there is never any doubt who the leader is in this relationship, I like to believe that I am a pretty important part of her life too.


I will admit that in the early days I got anxious when I didn’t hear from Her for a day or two but I soon understood that is was not any lack of desire on her part to talk to me; just the many challenges of her busy life.


In addition to looking after her family, Miss Dakota also has a number of health issues which are a constant part of her life.  I always do my best to remember she has these issues as she usually hides it very well!  Even through some difficult times I have never wavered in my devotion and love for her.  Neither has she deviated from her desire to keep me collared and forever under her dominant heel.


It would be easy to think of these challenges she has as weakness, but in fact the reverse is true.  That Miss Dakota does not allow the problems she faces to stop her from striving for her goals in life is a testament to her incredible strength and inner will.  Beautiful as she is on the outside, it is this strength inside that is even more attractive to me.


So it is four years and counting with the most incredible Woman I have ever known….here is to many more!