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Cash Verified Slaves
by on August 9, 2022

I can't believe I'm having to write this... Not to call anyone out, but this morning I recieved a lengthy email in response to an inquirery of an older subs physical abilities in order to give him fair punishments he would actually be fit for. In said email he expresses that he owns a bottle of Icy Hot and would be more than willing to rub them on his scrotum and head to work. 

Absolutely not. Never. Do not attempt. I adore being a bit of a masochist, but I wouldn't even ask the most extreme sadist to partake in such an activity. Please, please DO NOT PUT ICY HOT PLACES IT DOESN'T BELONG. I'm a menthol addict myself and couldn't even dream of the agony that would put you in.

It's an analgesic used to trigger nerves and stop pain. Putting them on your little guys = more nerves but NOT pain stopping. You would be in agonizing pain for hours accompanied by uncontrollable frequent erections and maybe even extreme swelling. Which for some of you I'm sure are reading this thinking that sounds fun... keep reading. 

It also contains NSAIDs which is an anti-inflamatory (like asprin) that CAN interact with medications, or in extreme cases cause a deadly allergic reaction for some.

Not to mention, while rare, but for some an increased risk of heart attack or stroke and even second degree burns. 

Dommes I implore you to avoid this punishment alltogether as I can see an eager, noninformed sub dying or being hospitalized to pure ignorance. If you're insistent or have tried it before with postiive feedback, great- make sure your sub is well aware of the possible side effects. It is equally your responsiblilty to ensure the safety of a sub in your care. Perhaps even when it comes to things like this, if you feel its a questionable decision, try it on yourself first. Apply a little dabble onto your armpits and see how long you can stand it. His genitalia? Has significantly more nerve endings that your pits... keep that in mind. 

Rant over.. Remember kiddos practicing safe sex doesn't always just mean contraceptives. Use your brain and do your research. If something sounds sketchy, it probably is. For some that's the thrill and while there's nothing wrong with that, your health should always be a priority. 

Xo Sunny

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I'm just now realizing I mixed up sadist and masochist, but it's alright that wasn't the point. Just know- I know and NO I don't wish to have pain inflicted onto myself lol
Like August 9, 2022
i have used icy hot when doing cbt on some of my slaves for 32 yrs.. my sissy lexy jerks with globs of it in his hand... also cinnamon oil sometimes when sounding.. no one has ever ended up in er after i played with them.. each slave and domina is different.. i myself am a sadist.. i enjoy inflictin... View more
Like August 9, 2022
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As stated, if it works for you both- great! But it's definitely not for everyone and shouldn't be treated lightly. Though that goes for any extreme form of play. I know someone such as yourself is educated and responsible however not everyone is. It's wonderful that's never happened ... View more
Like August 9, 2022
just because you can get someone to do something stupid doesnt always mean you should.
Like August 9, 2022