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Cash Verified Slaves
by on May 8, 2022

On this day of female celebration, let us take the time to appreciate women in what is perhaps their most sacred role - that of creator.

While a man may be able to mindlessly force something into existence if he manages to stop playing with his cock long enough, it is within women that the true alchemy of life occurs. She gives shape and substance to that which is otherwise unformed and intangible. Her presence alone is powerful enough to nurture and comfort in life's most devastating moments, her wisdom is deep enough to guide us through the darkest of forests, and her beauty is so breathtaking that it has made her the muse of all. Creativity and new life flow within and without her. Flowers and their thorns sprout from her fingertips, and her every word is both poetry and command.  

Considering the great power that we wield and our importance to society, it is only natural that women should be exalted, worshipped, and spoiled above all else. We are clearly the superior sex. We are Goddesses. 

All women are Goddesses. 

A Dominatrix knows how to channel their vast creative power into taking a pathetic grown man and reforming him into whatever she wants him to be. She uses it to create a new set of circumstances, and to imagine and make real an entirely new way of life for him. It is rebirth for the sub, and a tremendous burden for the Domme. The sub could spend every penny they earn for the rest of their life trying to repay their Domme for the great gift that they have been given, and still barely scratch the surface. This is why you are and always will be a helpless paypig.  

So keep chipping away, piggies. We deserve it all. 
