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Mistress Kat
by on March 16, 2022

This was written by one of Mine. Use it to spark discussion, ideas, and to gain more insight into Supremacy :)

Women are genuinely smarter. It's been shown that Women think more quickly, can handle multiple thoughts at once, and can pull from both sides of the brain at once. Whereas men regular lose thinking ability when they get flooded with adrenaline, or when aroused by a Woman. Because these are cases where nature is saying men should act/obey, not think. It's exciting and comforting to me to see so many more Women finishing school now with degrees, at every level of education, now than men. Now that Women have equal / greater rights, You are mentally outperforming us everywhere.


Women make better leaders. Women are more open-minded and communicative than men. You have a greater ability for empathy. And You are more creative. These are all things needed for a leadership role, not a servant's role. A servant should know how to obey without thinking, and should have the physical capacity to do so. In the modern world, Women are consistently, in every survey, rated as better bosses than men.


Then there are the physical gifts: Women were given grace and beauty, which requires a life of luxury without labor to maintain. Men were given muscles to perform that physical labor, and penises to be more easily led by that beauty. Of course, this also leads to the creation of life, which is the sole provenance of Women. This is why Women must be protected and revered at all costs. One Woman can give rise to so much life. But in this regard, men are mostly expendable. This is why the Woman should be able to choose whichever males she wants to procreate with. Everywhere, life revolves around Women. Women are the cause of life, and of all the tears and the joy within it. Men exist to give Women that seed, to bring joy to them, and to spark life. In other words, in addition to labor, we are chosen for our breeding.


Finally, let's say something about not why Women should be elevated, but why men should be subjugated. Men are prone to violence and most can only be controlled through discipline and obedience. This is why the military is structured the way that it is, and prisons, and why men function so well within those structures. Males simply need a reason for their actions, and a set of clearly laid out rules. This makes men happier as well as the ones who control them.


Perhaps one more reason that males should be subjugated is that we have shown we cannot be trusted. A smoothly operating society relies on people who fulfill their obligations. Men are wired for discovery, to always seek out new frontiers and conquests. This sort of behavior leads to infidelity and shirking of duties and it must be reigned in. And it must be done by Women, who can see the greater picture and the cost of aimlessness when one should be focused at home. Evolutionarily, men were given this drive in order to find new habitats for their loved ones. But now, everything has been discovered. Men have little reason to go outside the house now. Other than for work, they should be focused on serving the Females at home. By putting these childish dreams aside, a man's mind is put at ease. A kept man is a happy man.

8 people like this.
Amazing... I couldn't agree more! It's like you have a deep understanding of how men's minds work.
Like December 22, 2024