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Miss Belle
by on February 25, 2022

Someone asked this on twitter and it got me thinking: 

"vanilla couple... man meets a Woman, spends his life supporting Her. FinDomme couple... pig meets Goddess. spend his life worshiping Her. who lives a more pleasurable life?"

Always the pig! Why? 

Facts are facts...

These men come to us because they are unsatisfied with their lives (always desperate for more!) And our distain only increases our power over them. We are the Women who do not need a man and it drives then wild! 

The difference between us and the vanilla world... we don't pretend it is any different! We cut the bullshit and we know how the world really works. Atleast a piggy knows his place... the vanilla "man" is just fooling himself into believing he is of more use than he really is. Sadly this just leads to contempt and insecurity...

Better to be a woke pig 🤣