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Cash Verified Slaves
by on March 31, 2016
The proper use of the English language.

I received a new message from a sub this evening that was riddled with poor grammar, incorrect punctuation, and a general slaughter of the English language. Thank goodness he didn't use any web-speak acronyms. The glaring mistakes distracted me from the fun I was having elsewhere on the site.

One of my biggest pet peeves is a general disrespect for writing. In this online world, not to mention in real life, the use of proper English skills is important. It is important to me.

I take care when I write my messages and always double check to make sure they're correct. I expect those who contact me to do the same. I will not act as your teacher and will charge for every incorrect spelling, punctuation, missing capital letter, or other such nonsense. The rate will depend upon the severity of the issue and will climb with each recurring mistake.

Take care when you message me boys. I demand so, so much of you!

Also, go and purchase one of these: