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Cash Verified Slaves
by on December 18, 2021

Subs... do you prefer to be inboxed... or do you like to inbox the dom...

Do you prefer to be owned by 1 dom, or have a variety of doms to serve.....


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You may get a better response if you repost this as a poll, with options to answer anon. Most men, slaves or not, don't have the capacity or balls to answer blogs with full thoughts in actual adult words
Like December 18, 2021
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lol true good idea
Like December 18, 2021
I prefer to be approached usually. I'm socially shy and it's easier to answer than to start a conversation and I don't want to waste any domme time if my profile does not suit her expectations.
Like December 18, 2021
I like when someone takes an interest in me.
Like December 18, 2021
I want to be hunted! There's nothing hotter than being seduced by a dominant woman.
Like December 19, 2021