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Cash Verified Slaves
by on November 19, 2021

I will never understand bait posts. I'm sure a lot are scams but the thought process is still odd. It is a sub's job to reach out to the domme. Dommes do not go begging for subs.
You are on a website to find content/dommes and asking "Are any dommes available for....". Yes! Look around. That's like going to a mall and screaming " Do any of these stores sell clothes?" And expecting someone to come running out of all of the stores and scream " Hey!!!! We do!".

You are the shopper and we are the sellers. We advertise what we provide. It's your job to shop around for the right domme. It is not our job (nor in our nature) to go "pick me! Pick me!".

Topics: bait posts, dommes, subs
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But how do us new Dommes get slaves? I've been trying for a month and nothing. Any advice on how to obtain slaves?? How do we go about it? I appreciate any and all advice. I recently had several tragedies in a row and just want to get back on my feet, you know?
Like November 21, 2021
All I can say is time and patience. Network with dommes and subs on twitter. Post as much as you can (but don’t stress yourself out).
Like November 21, 2021