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Mistress Dak
by on August 20, 2021

Hello again!

I have been doing some internal research and I have found that it is easier and more fun when I am able to get to know my subs and pay pigs prior to them just sending right away. It has been a more trustworthy transaction as well as builds a connection between me and the sub. I have found myself not wanting to immediately demand that someone pay me just to speak to me, for starters it doesn't work 90% of the time, and when it does the sub/paypig usually only ends up sending 1-2 times. I have noticed that the more long term and accountable subs prefer to get to know you a little bit before they just start forking over their money. I prefer these types of interactions, it becomes easier to find out what the person likes and dislikes, especially when it comes to what they are comfortable with being called. Not every sub is comfotable with being called a pig, loser, slut... and this is all about sonsent and communication, right? Yes the send is a rush and it is so hot when a man sends me his hard earned money for nothing in return, I mean that is most of this fettish, but it only makes it that much hotter when I know more about them and how I can get them to give in more. 

Get to know your subs. Find out what their hard limits are, their soft limits, all the fettishes they like and explore. This fettish isn't a fuck you pay me, get rich quick scheme. These subs are humans too, you can be dominant while still respecting them as a human being. 


Much love. xx.


Topics: findom, finsub
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I never demand initial tribute because you're exactly right. Rarely works, and they only send for a short amount of time. I got to know my current subs and now they send regular amounts each week, and it's much more satisfying knowing that they're independent, grown ass men deciding to submit before... View more
Like August 20, 2021