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Ms. Pauley Belle
by on April 25, 2021

This morning started out badly. For the last few months, I have been dealing with two people that I love battling cancer. This week one of them was given good news. The other died last night. I was woken up this morning to a phone call.  My cousin lost her battle. I will miss her smile and wicked sense of humor. I will always appreciate her teaching me how to play chess. She was a state champion. She patiently played chess with me. Teaching me in a way that I learned to love the game, even though I never beat her in a match. 


After the call, I got online to read my emails. Someone messaged me on this website. This person had disparaging remarks about my sub. I am sure they were looking for free humiliation. Humiliation is not a kink I enjoy. Instead of giving him what he wanted, I wished him good luck in his search. If he had what my playtoy and I have, he might understand the relationship.


My mood was not great. I could have lashed out, but why? Sent him the "good luck". I went back to my regular emails. I had numerous from my favorite play toy. Those emails managed to bring a smile to my face. My playtoy is good at that.


I hope every sub and Domme experiences the connection that we have. I am honestly fond of my sub. He has become part of my family. Our relationship has taken years to develop. This has taken patience, time, and training. I have not hypnotized a loser. It has evolved into a healthy Domme/sub bond.


Many might remember his original name on here, "sorrysub". I directed him to change his moniker. This did not fit him. Yes, he is a sub, but not a sorry one. He is good at being attentive to details. He is very generous, not just to me, but to others in his life. I delight in his kindness to me, his family, and his friends. We have similar interests, so we can chat about things beyond kink. I even adore his "Dad joke" sense of humor. I like him as a person. I love him as my sub. 


Yes, I hope that all can find the link he and I share. It takes time and trust to develop. It is worth the effort. Good luck in your search.

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Pauley playtoy-OwnedByPB
I am sorry for your loss.
Like April 27, 2021