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Pauley playtoy-OwnedByPB
by on February 9, 2021

that is the question.

I rarely if ever ask Mistress Pauley for anything. On one hand, it would be disrespectful as I am a sub and I should always give and always think only of giving to Mistress. But also if I were to describe a particular video or photo and she produced it, it would not be the same as one she did on her own.

But then I know that Mistress Pauley rarely if ever makes demands. Could it be that she does not make demands for a similar reason? That is, if she demanded a particular tribute or gift, getting it would not have the element of surprise that my freely giving would have?

Mistress Pauley does make suggestions; she knows I need that to see what might please her in the moment. But demands, no.

Having to be aware of what might please her today keeps me on my toes. It helps me pay attention to her wants and whims and makes me more submissive to Her Holy Will.

May I crawl submissively before Mstress Pauley, always dependent on her domination and control. May I beg for her to continue my development into a better slave. May I always remember that "the ideal slave" is not possible; that I can only hope to make some progress in better plesing har.

Thank you, Mistress Pauley. I worship you, Mistress Pauley.

Your slave,





Topics: demands, giving, worship
1 person likes this.
Ms. Pauley Belle
Suggestions are gentle demands.
Like February 9, 2021
Pauley playtoy-OwnedByPB
Good point. I take all suggestions as demands.
Like February 10, 2021