Cam Verified Domme
Cam Verified Domme
Lifetime Member
Cam Verified Domme
Lifetime Member
Ladies this one is mainly pointed to you. But it can also be of use to the submissive who have been through the abuse that this industry can dish out.
Last year has been rough on all of us. Most have spent 6 months of the year in lockdown. Forced to distance from family and friends. Ad the abusive messages the adult industry can dish out. For the ladies, I know you have had messages from people telling you to get a job or fat or age shaming which I have been through. I am lucky enough to have family making a point to tell me they are proud of what I do. I couldn't do this without a support system.
Networking with other people in the industry has also helped with my mental health. I no longer have to hide my business from friends because we are all doing this business. Either they are femdoms or findoms, but they know what it is like to have drops and they have the knowledge to help lift each other up. We also have our own girl code.
We don't steal each other's content.
We make sure to give each other pointers and lift each other when we are done.
We vet submissives between us. Meaning we actually share some clients.
We don't let greed cloud our friendship. If one of us makes more than the other one month then by all means cheers to her for her hard work. It motivates the others to work harder for the month after that.
We throw parties online for milestones.
We share our knowledge together because each one of us brings knowledge to the table.
Jealousy is outlawed. Yes, it is a human emotion and yes we all get it from time to time. We talk through it. And know that we will know let it degrade the value we each have.
We motive each other to stay productive toward our goals. This means we cut the drama out altogether.
The last bit that helps all of us with mental health is a daily activity. I have daily walks of at the very least 10,000 steps every single morning. Rain or shine I am out walking. This started this year and because I know I am goal-oriented I stick to a minimum goal and if my body is willing and able I push for my high goal and stay happy with anything after 10,000 steps. Another friend has a daily heart rate goal of 3 hours to get her heart rate up to a set amount every day. It doesn't matter what it is just what works for you.
I have also taking these steps to get my clients motivated as well. They get photo rewards if they reach goals per day and one weekly motivation video if they reach all of their goals for that week.
Let's face it we don't want another year like last year. So every step counts for our mental health as a whole. What are you doing this year to change your result from last year??