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Cash Verified Slaves
by on December 30, 2020

Each year i want something different. Or something that i already have. As we close out 2020 which was a horrible year, I reflect on how i want 2021 to go. 2021 is to be a year of gentle enterance. A year to fight what weve been fighting for all of this year. A year that us Dommes deserve the best out of the subs. If there are any subs who can do what their title is. Ive learned a lot about this year and hope that next year will be better.

1) I learned that my ADHD is bad. im all over the place and cant focus on one thing. i have like 21 tabs open in my browser and i switch all over the place. i cant stay on one for a moment. yes i mention this as i hope next year it will be better. Its important for me to get it in check so i can have a sub (which i already have one but he is taking a break) that can understand me and what i have. And work with me as they should. 2021 will be a year of challenges for it. and i hope that it will be better.

2) I hope to gain some subs. it would be nice to add to my stable. 1 or 2 more. I dont want too many. a few is what all i need. I want to be happy with surprise tributes as well. i rarely get those and it would be nice to get some. Its a rarity that i get tributes ill admit. And i would love to see more in 2021. My goals is to be more true to myself. More focused on the subs that come forward. To be more of adored than anything. Come forward subs. you know you want to spoil me.

3) what the new year will bring? i hope happy times, good times, covid free times (that is the vaccine works, etc and there is better treatment), etc. I hope that my year will be a prosperous one. A year of less worry. A year to be filled with what is needed. I hope to travel (once its safe to do so). i will be going to georgia in august for a joyous celebration. i hope for all of us on here have a good year as well. celebrated with lots of money. a year of hope as well. lots of hope.

the few things i wanted to mention. i hope that 2021 will be good to all of you as well. lets hope things improve. lets hope that the subs will come forward and do what they are to do. celebrated to be a sub. and to be a proud one. may 2021 be a great year for all.