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Queen Ruby
by on December 12, 2020

Am I going to beg you to send? No

Am I going to ask you to send? No

Am I even going to demand you send? No

but are you still going to send? Yes!


You will send, because sending gives you the biggest rush of endorphins you have EVER felt. 

You will send because you can't think of a good enough reason not to. 

You will send because you want me to own a part of you, your accomplishments, your efforts and your achievements, Symbolised by your worth (no matter how much, they still mean something).

But most of all you will send because you can't think of a better way to show me your adoration than with a token of your affection (plus as a bonus, you know it pleases me).

You want me to think you are a good boy, a deserving boy. To know that no matter how much it was, you made an effort to make me smile, to make me consider you as someone worth knowing. Of course there's more to it than that, but making that small first impression always leaves you with that warm feeling inside like a little boy with his first drawing for mummy.

So in that case Sweeties, send away! Who am I to steal those fuzzy warm feelings from you and how could I resist the sweetness that comes with thoughtfulness.