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Cash Verified Slaves
Queen Ruby
by on November 20, 2020


Reimbursements don't they leave you with a great feeling?


I know how excited it makes you to feel special for contributing, how hard it makes you to feel satisfied with a job well done and to get the appreciation and attention you crave.


However, (for the struggling finsubs) remember there is no shame in part reimbursements. Contributing is the greatest privilege you could experience, don't let a silly little things like 'pride' get in the way of your ultimate fulfillment!


Your money (no matter how much or how little) is a service you pledge, it signifies a right of passage!

Its a promise and a commitment, to this scene, this lifestyle, this kingdom and your calling.


Any contribution you make towards a Domme, whether tributes or purchases, is a step closer to both yours and her goals and dreams.


So whenever you see an opportunity take it and send. Send Single, send double, fuck send triple if you must, but make sure that you never miss golden opportunities that are likely to end up haunting you!