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Cash Verified Slaves
by on June 14, 2016
"and now's the time, the time is now, to sing my song"

How are My days? Normally very pleasant and pleasing for Myself with or without servitude of the inferior. I am not one who will invest a lot of hatred in others. Factually, I do not hate anyone and I respect everyone unless given a reason not to.

Typically My days start as soon as My feet hit the floor. I make My coffee, shower, eat a little something and then check E-mails. Listen to music and get in My groove. This seems simple enough just saying it, but actually gets frustrating all too often. One thing I have noticed an abundance of lately is the lack of manners towards Superiors or fellow Domina.

Why are manners important? I believe they are because as a community W/we should all support each other in a positive aspect. I know at times it is hard to put a blind eye to the moronic tendencies of human nature. W/we do see so many unrealistic things or things that disgust U/us personally time to time. Should this be confronted? If Y/you want go for it, but I just chuckle and move along. Why spend time dwelling on what others are doing? I feel as a Domme I should be proactive with My time. I have complete control of it; there is no such thing as a time waster –but there is. If a Domme allows Her time to be wasted it is not the fault of anyone else. Point being, this is a FinDom community and W/we have to respect all sides. After all D/s has two sides plain and simple. It does not make a person stronger to call out time waster. Actually, in My own opinion, it’s a word that shouldn’t exist unless in the context of talking about O/oneself.

Moreover, manners between fellow Dominas are always splendid too. Time to time I see things said that seem shunning of other Women. How can someone claim Female Supremacy, but insist to tear others down or fail to show professional respectful conduct? Another brain buster; see the irony. So I choose to respect E/everyone. Not that E/everyone deserves it, but more so that I would rather empower those around Me than beat them into the ground unmercifully. I say My hellos and light chat with anyone, but I am not seeking to hurt S/someone to make Me look stronger. I know My strengths and do not have to stand on a hill and scream them to be seen.

Lastly, pertaining to manners, I do not care for certain actions, as Y/you can tell, but that is no call for hatred of any human being. I have no hatred for men, and rather enjoy being served by humble, educated, mannerly, and obedient men. No I do not value them as equals, but I do value them in respect of them knowing their proper places.

This is My euphoria I will not fall to mindless tactics, nor will I constantly focus My attention on negative things. Pessimism will only bring misery. Just as if a person constantly thinks the worse they tend to see just that. Altering the mind to see the light and what can be done sheds life on a whole new process. One that maybe a lucky few inferiors will get to walk through, or get drug through depending on how badly they are in need.

I am strict, demanding, and very picky. Picky in the sense that if I say I want something done it HAS to be done. I will yield time, but inevitably enforcement only works when consented and followed through with. Online domination is possible for the right mix. Maybe I will find a few subs that complement what I seek, but if not, I will still be happy.

The ability to smile and move forward is something that should never be taken as an inferior action. Be optimistic, be productive, be blissful; just do not dwell in pessimism. It will be the death of many, but Y/you do have control over your choices. Unless you’re owned, and even then you should be aiming to be whatever your Domme sees fitting.

Have a wonderfully blissful day, I will, and think of ways to make You happy Ladies-that will also make Your minions joyful. I am due for a human piñata for sure, light bruising may occur. Just enjoy the shine of a beautiful smile, do not take it for granted, never know when She may decide you are no longer of use.

I hate no one, ever, because it is a waste of My lovely existence!

Random blurts of what is on My mind accompanied by the awesome music you do not get the chance to hear.