Cam Verified Domme
Cam Verified Domme
Royal Domme
Cam Verified Domme
So you thought you would hang around a Dommes page for a while. You love her posts, her pictures, her style, her attitude. You don't want the pressure of approach you just want to watch her and feel part of her life right?
I know I get you and do you know what? That is okay!
Lurking is a very important part of our ritual, how on earth do I expect you to get a feel for me, understand me and start imagining fitting into my world, if you cant see it, get a feel for it, see what you could have and what you are missing out on.
Vice versa, how do I get a good look at you if I cant wiggle through your bio's, info, pics, posts, interactions, hopes, dreams etc.
I don't know maybe its just the sentimental voyeur and exhibitionist in me but I say, if you aren't going to approach me then lurk away. It isn't harming my life. If I post something I want others to see it so, yeah fill your boots.
Why would I stop you? The truth of the matter is my subs didn't just start as my subs, we had a whole mating ritual of lurking back and forth, chatting, not chatting, chatting again falling comfortably into place with each other.
And as for owned subs having a wee nosey, well, again as long as you don't approach, fair play. What I do know is that after long enough, you might mention me to other subs you have chatted with, tell them about my ways, my appeal, my style and my integrity. (Yes I have integrity shocker).
So look my little lurks, just do whatcha gotta! You do you! But don't be surprised when I'm creeping around your page. Hey it's fun!