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Curvy Miss Q
by on September 22, 2020

I seem to come across the whole fighting the urge to submit thing quite a lot and it got me thinking why?

In my opinion there could multiple reasons why, maybe the sub is scared of how they feel, maybe they don't want to accept that they are submissive,perhaps they see submission as a weakness (which it is not), they could worry what others think, but sometimes to be honest I also think it is said to get attention.

But why would I think it is attention seeking? Because to be blunt it can come  across that way, I have had men try it before, some guy who  I have never spoke to before giving  me some story about how hard it is to fight the urge and not to pay me or submit to me, now maybe it is just me but that screams give me attention, convince me to do it, no! I will not indulge it. I also see it posted on websites and social media, the whole feeling weak trying not to give into the urge of spending and serving  it is just bait.

But what about those who really do struggle to fight the urge?  As I mentioned above this could be for multiple reasons, subs may fight the urge because they are scared that if they "give in" they will lose control, power they will be seen as weak, but in fact it really is the opposite, it takes guts to be who you really are, it does not make you weak to admit who you are it gives you the power to explore and understand it, it may seem scary at first to open up but it also gives you a great freedom. 

I think some fight it because they feel it is not "normal"  I have had subs before worry when they tell me they have a foot fetish, to me that is common and one of my favourite kinks but I think it is because it is not looked at like vanilla stuff, if a group of men are talking about what turns them on and someone says feet they get a strange look so then a sub may feel embarassed or almost ashamed because they enjoy feet.

I understand and appreciate how hard it must be to admit you are submissive but fighting an urge or trying to push it away will not work! Try and gently explore the world of kink, small steps! Try and talk to other subs, just be yourself, once you stop fighting and start enjoying a whole new world will open up for you!

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Obedient in Perth
The only thing I would add is the conflict between this kink and vanilla life demands on that money which is handed over
Like September 23, 2020
This was great! The last paragraph is filled with excellent advice: Pushing feelings away to be “normal” ain’t gonna work. In fact it only wastes time and energy and can bounce back in self-defeating and somewhat damaging ways. Gently explore! So important. I think the extremes on the web make m... View more
Like September 23, 2020
admit you like it is the first step. finding a balance between your hornyness and the right control is a different matter.
Like September 23, 2020
Curvy Miss Q
Thank you for all the comments. Agreed Johnny there is to many extremes and it can be scary because then some might feel like a failure if they don't meet the standards of what they have seen or read online, you have to do things at your own pace, learn, understand, figure out what's right for you,... View more
Like September 23, 2020