Royal Domme
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Every dominant has their ideal stable size. Mine is no more than four owned submissives and unlimited admirers. I give time to my owned pets. They achieve this honor because I enjoy them.
I am fortunately in a position to be very selective. I get numerous offers of submission. I can pick the ones that please me and ignore the ones that are a nuisance.
I like spending time chatting with my stable. Allowing them to serve me. Giving them the opportunity to amuse me. I do not feel the need to deal with individuals that annoy me. It would take a large amount of money plus an extended trip to the dungeon.
My pets become like family to me, my big interesting family. Do you have what it takes?
submissive, stable
4 Liked
4 people like this.
OMG, why do I have the song "the old grey mule" in my head. lol ;-)
August 30, 2020
One thing's for sure; she ain't what she used to be...
4 is a good number, I hate feeling spread too thin and i find that I always end up paring back my pets once I got beyond that. Life is too busy!