Lifetime Member
Cam Verified Domme
Lifetime Member
Lifetime Member
I generally don’t open up to “strangers” on the internet about the intimate details of my life and journey. But I feel like I should to offer perspective on why I am the way I am as a dominant woman.
Some of my submissives closer to me that have earned trust and respect from me know a little about my experiences and the manifestation of Charlotte. But this is a brief (as the full story would be a multiple volume length novel) summary of how I became the woman I am and the domme that I am.
I have been in and out of sex work since I turned 18, never really sticking to something because there was always a reason it didn’t feel right. Until I stumbled upon findom in 2016. I didn’t have the mindset that sweeps across twitter, that it was easy and quick cash. Instead I saw it as a way to take my power back. It’s been noted that I have a heavy respect and consent base to my approach as a dominant in the d/s power exchange. Some see that as soft, others see that as more powerful. I have been a victim of all kinds of abuse since I was a small child, I’ve cycled through many abusers and only just recently broke free from the worst of the worst. Three years ago I met a woman, who I thought was my soulmate both romantically and on a friendship level. I ignored the red flags that surrounded me and people tried to save me from, because my love for her just surpassed anything negative. But all this did was set me up for deep codependency and being the victim of the cruelest and most intense covert narcissistic woman I have ever met. The laundry list of tactics and things done to me is not only disturbing, it’s also the kind of shit you hear that doesn’t seem real. A person could actually be capable of surviving that level of abuse, let alone a human being capable of inflicting it.
The result of this three years of endless torture left me starving to take my power back. I scrambled to put the pieces of me back together that had been shattered over and over again. It nearly cost me my life, I’m sure the scars I bear on my wrists don’t always go unnoticed. Why am I sharing such intimate details of my life? To help my peers and inferiors understand the dominant woman I am, and the strength I hold inside. I was raped, insulted, beaten, driven to insanity. I barely made it out alive, and I definitely have deep wounds that I’m mending with professional and personal support. I rose up from the depths of hell a force of ferocious power and integrity. Everything I went through shaped me into the domme that you see before you.
I approach a d/s power exchange with the mentality that the line between abuse and BDSM is consent and respect. Without mutual respect and clear consent, I wouldn’t be a domme I would be an abuser. I wouldn’t quite say I am grateful for what I’ve gone through, but I would say that it’s helped me in unexpected ways.
The allure of my web isn’t just the silky strings of sex appeal and cruel intimacy - but the energy I give off being one of true dominance and intellect. Don’t be intimidated by me, I am a force, but I know the delicate balance between grace and power. Approach with caution, but not because you should be afraid, but because you know you will become addicted. I am not being non-humble when I say this, but I am one of those that is different from the rest. Come find out why my subs never leave and what attracts simple flies into the web of the black widow, Charlotte.