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Lifetime Member
First impressions count! So your approach matters
When someone approaches me I quickly learn about them, their approach will also determine if I give them any of my time, for example if someone sends me a message barley stringing a sentence together I just won't bother to reply,why waste my energy on someone who clearly can't put any effort in!
You also need to make yourself stand out from the 100s of other "hi" or "I want to serve you messages"
Now you may think about how scary it is to approach or send that first message and while I agree it can be a huge first step it is not an excuse for laziness or no effort, this is why research before your approach is vital! You can learn a lot from reading a Dommes profile, looking at any other websites and clip stores she may have and so on
When approaching remember how much it counts when making that first impression, be honest, remember your manners, address the Domme correctly, put as much effort in as you can