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Cash Verified Slaves
by on April 18, 2020

Everyone who has looked into female domination has come across the practice of financial domination, or findom for short. However, there are many different flavors of financial domination. There are not only different personalities a femdom has concerning financial domination, but also the reasoning behind the economic sacrifice itself. You can find the full blog post on My personal website by clicking here »

What is a tribute in FemDom?

Tribute – an act, statement, or gift intended to show gratitude, respect, or admiration (oxford dictionary definition)

That's the "official" definition of a tribute. However, based on the interactions that I have had with subs over time, it appears there is a lot of confusion about what makes a proper tribute.

Does a tribute always have to be cash?

The short answer is no, but it also depends on the relationship you are involved in or the type of session that you are engaging in. A tribute must always be something that your Domme wants, and that is where a lot of the confusion happens. A tribute involves a sacrifice that the submissive makes to contribute to the Domme's life positively. The bottom line is that sacrifice and a positive reaction from the Domme are the only requirements for a tribute to be "real." If it is not financial, then the sacrifice could be time, energy, or something else that could be beneficial to the Domme's life or make Her happy. 

"Free" FemDom Tribute Methods

  • Poems, Songs, Love Letters
  • Completing housework and chores
  • Completing menial tasks for Her
  • Well thought out and meaningful compliments
  • Assignments pre-approved by your Goddess (CLICK HERE for Mine)

Depending on the style of the relationship, it may not be possible to tribute in some of these methods. For instance, I work online in long-distance female domination relationships. I am not comfortable having My slaves from the internet come to My home to complete chores for Me. Most of the work-related tasks that I must complete would expose My private information that I cannot share with slaves if I allowed them to assist Me. For these reasons sustaining the relationship with free tributes does not work well over a long distance. Sure, I love receiving love letters and poetry from My slaves; it's one of My favorite parts of the job. But at the end of the day, sweet words only have so much value, and you should supplement your general tributes with findom tributes when playing online. For a Domme to appreciate a tribute, it must be valuable to Her in some way. Unless there is some labor or time-intensive task that you can complete for Her, the most valuable thing that you can sacrifice is your money. For example, I had a slave send Me a Roomba since he could not vacuum My house for Me and we both agreed I should not spend My time cleaning if I don't have to do so. FinDom tributes are often an alternative when traditional FemDom tributes cannot take place, or do not hold enough value. You could look at it as sacrificing your time to work overtime so that you are able to send for your Goddess to have Her chores done for Her. Perhaps send to cover a maid service in lieu of mopping Her floors. Send to cover the cost of landscapes since you can't mow Her lawn. You get the idea. If you were willing to sacrifice your time to do the chore, you should be willing to spend time to fund the chore being completed. It's the same thing, just with an extra step involved. If that doesn't sound like it appeals to you at all, perhaps your desires to do Her chores were not selfless at all. Therefore, it would not have been a true tribute anyway.

What is a FinDom Tribute?

A findom tribute is just what it sounds like, a financial gift. The sacrifice of a financial tribute must be monetary in some manner. You can find My favorite tribute methods here »

Examples of financial tributes are:

  • Cash Tributes - Sent via Her preferred methods.
  • Gift Cards - To use for products or services that She wants.
  • Material Gifts - Things that your Goddess desires or requires for work or happiness.

Pure financial domination tends to differ from the fantasy in a lot of guy's imaginations. There is a big difference between playing a financial domination game in a session with a dominatrix and truly submitting yourself financially. If your Domme doesn't even wear high heels unless she's in a session with you, do you think that she wants you to send Her three pairs of heels a week? While you may believe that every woman wants high heels, She may prefer cash so that She can buy what She desires. You must learn the difference between Her pretending to want to spend hundreds of your dollars on shoes during the session, and the reality once the session ends. If She is trying to save up to buy a house and you are filling up Her closets with shoes She never wears, are you serving Her? The answer is no. Genuine BDSM calls for both parties to negotiate before playing together to ensure that the activity satisfies all players. If you are only sending Her gifts that you think that She wants, you are not very skilled in the art of gift-giving. You may even be sending Her selfish tributes without knowing it. It may be a part of your fetish to send specific types of gifts, and that is perfectly fine if She is okay with it. If you are paying for that service or both on the same page, great, have fun! You must realize, though, that those are not genuine tributes, only you acting out your fantasies.

What are Selfish Tributes in FemDom?

As a sub, sometimes you have to stop and think. Are submitting to the Domme you are interacting with or if you are projecting your fantasies onto Her? Let's take a look at some of the most common things that subs will try to pass off as a "tribute."

  • Cum – There is no such thing as a cum tribute.

A tribute must be something a Domme wants. We don't want or need male cum. Seriously, how does semen improve a Domme's life? It's just some liquid that comes out of your urethra due to the stimulation of the penis. There's the genetic material in there, but I don't want your genes for anything. It's not a magical serum. I can't use that for anything. You are the only one delusional enough to think your cum has value.

Also, it is during a male orgasm that semen leaves the body. Could somebody please explain to Me how a random slave in Utah pleasuring himself and having an orgasm is "serving" Me? Even if you are obeying the orders of your Domme to ejaculate, the cum is not a tribute. Your orgasm is not a tribute. They are both a part of femdom, but completely unrelated. The only way that I can think of them in the same context is if an orgasm is a reward for a particularly moving tribute of real value. An orgasm only causes pleasure or happiness for the receiver, and expecting someone to accept it as a gift is extremely delusional.

  • Pictures of your penis, videos of your penis, your penis itself

Again, your genitals do play a part in FemDom. Your genitalia exists; it is not a gift. Giving a top control of your pleasure and genitalia is a big part of FemDom, but it is not a tribute. A proper tribute comes from a place of submission. Does the phrase, "I gave her my dick," sound submissive? There is a type of relationship where providing the Domme with an orgasm is an act of service. In this case, the tribute would be the orgasm you give Her; your penis nothing more than a tool you used. If you think that your genitals are so valuable that giving them as a gift would be meaningful, you are probably doing femdom wrong. 

  • Random sensitive and personal information about people

I don't want it. Blackmail is illegal, and I don't engage in it. Even if a particular Domme does engage in blackmail as a service, it doesn't count as a tribute. If you consensually send a Domme information to use to make your next session feel more realistic, how is that a gift? What does that do for Her? Yes, you are giving Her tools to use against you, but is that what She desires or what you want? This sort of information would fall into the communication and negotiation part of a BDSM encounter, and it has nothing to do with tributes.

  • Buying a product from a Domme or purchasing a service

Yes, I can hear what you are thinking right now. "But I spent money, that's what financial domination is! I gave her money!" I understand that. However, a tribute requires sacrifice from the submissive. Making a purchase is the equivalent of making a trade, not giving a gift. You wouldn't say Pixar dominated you because you went to see Toy Story at the movie theater, would you? Did your plumber dominate you when you hired them to fix your shower? No, of course not, none of that makes any sense. Of course, you should support your Domme's business and buy Her products and services, but you must recognize that it is all that you are doing. The FemDom spent a lot of time creating that content and getting it up on that platform for you to find and purchase. She invested a lot of time and money, learning how to produce content and buy the necessary equipment, software, and props. That is what you are paying for when you buy a video. You cannot purchase a clip for $10 and then expect the Domme in the clip to then stop Her day to talk to you one on one. Do you expect the director of a movie to discuss the film with you one on one, just because you bought a ticket to the show?

You should also know that generally, we only keep 60-65% of the money you spend on our content. The payment processor takes 15% before it pays the platform. The platforms where we sell our content keep 20-25% of the money spent by customers. The percent is understandable since, together, they allow us to share their server space, provide a storefront and often traffic, as well as a payment processor and fraud protection. On live services, we keep anywhere from 50-80% depending on what platform you are using. Generally, anywhere that uses tokens pays below 55%, and some live cam sites only pay the models 30-35%. Phone sex sites typically pay out in the 70% range. If you buy a $9.99 clip, we earn $5.99. We then have to pay our taxes; the companies do not withhold taxes from our paychecks, and they submit 1099s for us each year. So at the end of the year, a $10 clip makes the creator about $4 per sale. These percentages show you that when you are buying a service or purchasing a product, it is just a business transaction when the money exchanges hands. It is not a gift directly to your Goddess, and you are receiving something tangible in return. You should always support your Domme by purchasing Her services, and show Her that you know how to tribute by sending a tip every time you are buying from Her. We generally keep 80% of tips sent through our platforms.

  • Sending a Domme "gifts" that you want to see Her wear or use. 

I don't want to beat a dead horse; we went over this in My shoe example earlier. If you can't tell, I had a foot guy awhile back that drove Me nuts. My closets are still full of impractical high heels and flashy watches I can only use for clips. If the thought of the gift itself excites you more than the act of sending and sacrifice, it is selfish. If you are sending the Domme something to please yourself, of course, it is not a tribute. There are some exceptions to this rule. If your Domme does require fetish gear or outfits for clips, then it would be appropriate to send what she needs or wants. Selfish gifts can include lingerie, shoes, fetish clothing, purses, sex toys, and other useless items. Unless your Domme has made it clear she desires something along these lines, it is not a tribute. It is best to assume that if the thought of sending the tribute is coming from or involves your penis, it is not an acceptable tribute. See what types of things the Domme you are interested in enjoys receiving as gifts, and work from there to find commonalities.

  • An Act of Fetish Based Submission to the Domme

Telling a Domme how much you desire to submit to her, or what fetish activity you will perform "for Her pleasure" is not a tribute. Trying to engage in your fantasies with a Domme is not a tribute, even if she enjoys the same fetish. In attempting to obtain a service without paying for it, you are trying to steal from a Domme. Unsolicited images or videos of you engaging in your favorite kinks are not tributes; they have no value. If a Domme wanted to see someone sticking an umbrella up their butt (I get the weirdest DMs), She knows how to use Google. Sending anything unsolicited is a bad idea, it means you don't have consent. A tribute is supposed to please the Domme. I can tell you that when I sit down to lunch and check My phone to see a man shoving something peculiar up their rear, or ejaculating, I am anything but pleased. Lunchtime is not when I want to see people doing disgusting things and expelling bodily fluids. Remember, reality, people! You don't know Her day to day life, what if She opens a gross video with audio around the inappropriate company?

I know how much I preach about not making assumptions, but it is pretty safe to assume you should always get permission before sending x-rated media to someone else. Even if you have an extended consent situation, the sender should still warn the receiver that that particular message contains something graphic. Tell someone if they should make sure they are alone (and not eating...) when they open a message, it's common courtesy. 

What does a sub get from sending a tribute to a Domme?

I know you've made it to the end of the post, and from your angle, it might seem that a findom tribute is nothing more than sending money for nothing. I'm here to tell you that I believe that the act of financial submission is one of the purest forms of servitude in the universe. Hear Me out. Continue Reading »

CLICK HERE to finish reading this delicious blog post on My personal blog site.

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