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Madam Tessa
by on June 6, 2016
So. I've finally gotten around to deciding that I do need to create a website and start filling it up with content. I've also decided that I'm going to be building the entire thing from scratch by myself so it fits my VERY exacting standards of quality. I've got all of the ground work pretty much finished. I've created my own graphics. I've got original content pilling up so fast I can barely keep track of it and a list the length of my arm of more content I want to create. But I need to buy the domain name so I can start adding pages and REALLY testing it before go live. And for the life of me I can't come up with what the domain should be. just seems so boring, but I also don't want it to be TOO complicated or something weird that doesn't connect with me. SO!! All of you who have met me, even if it was just for a brief time. What do you suggest I use as my domain name?? The person who makes the suggestion that I choose will get a special prize for me.....not sure what yet, but something!
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