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Goddess Ives
by on January 9, 2020

What could she possibly be talking about? Come a little closer and I'll tell you. Take care of yourselves- by that I mean logging off social media when enough is enough. Take time to spend with your friends and family. Put the devices away. They will be there when you come back. The subs that TRULY want to serve you and put your happiness first will wait for you. Not the other way around. Make them wait on you hand and foot. You're the Domme. Serving you and being in your presence should be a complete honor for them. Take care of you first! Your mental health and well being should be #1. Trust Me when I say this- you can and will get burnt out easily if you don't take YOU time. Love yourself first. Do what makes you happy the most and then when you're ready, come back. <3

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Like January 9, 2020
Curvy Miss Q
Well said!!!
Like January 9, 2020