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Cash Verified Slaves
by on December 20, 2019

I am not posting this for bragging right but as proof that when you work hard enough €42,000 can be made in one month. Now if will listen here are some tips. (Proof is in the blog banner).

1- Stop complaining about how little you are making. A potential sub is not going to look at you as someone he/she wants to support. The people you will attract will be ones who will also complain abouy life instead of lifting you up.

2- Take the time to make content. I will have photo shoots with my own phone for two hours at a time and may only post 2 or 3 of the best ones. I spend more time on content to attract the right submissives.

3-Understand from the start that it could take between 2-5 years before you will see results like I have. This isn't a get rich quick deal. It is real work just lime any other job.

4- Be passionate. Meaning entertain kinks that you enjoy. It will keep you motivated during the "dry season".

5- Remember balence is key. Take time for yourself. Do something non-kink with your submissives. Get to know them as human beings.

6- Understand that you have to be YOU and no one else in order for you to be successful. 

7- Stop listening to accounts that say "men give you money for nothing". Honey she lieing. For those accounts it is a popularity contest.

8- Know it is ok to make mistakes. It is not ok to repeatedly make the same mistakes over and over. Not learning or wanting to change. This is not productive in anyway.

9- Keep learning. Read anything you can for free. Their are PDFs and the internet with an abundent amount of information out that. Follow people that have shown proof that they are succeeding.

10- Use common sense and mannors. Seriously this can not be stressed enough. Be polite but firm with any submissive that approaches. You will be surprised what you'll find when you do.

I hope this helps some of you! I want to wish you all Happy Holidays!

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Super inspiring! I love your tips and I'd love to read more.
Like December 20, 2019