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Cash Verified Slaves
by on November 22, 2019

This what a question that was asked of me in an interview a few hours ago. I will tell you just like I told them today and this is my opinion.

"I chose to set my own path. I chose to be the best me I could possibly be. What makes me different is ME."

The interviewer laughed for a minute until he realized I was serious. "What do you mean?"

"I can't be a copy of someone else. I refuse to have any surgeries that are not necessary because I have a phobia of going under the knife. Does this phobia make me weak? Not in the least. Just as you having glasses."

-I pointed to my interviewer-

"Or you having a fear of looking me in the eyes."

-pointing to his assistant-

"Our fears, experiences, or genes makes every single one of us different. I am just proud to be who I am and grateful I was put on this Earth just like I am. So I chose to make things happen for me the way I want them to happen." 

My interviewer looked at me soberly for a minute. "So according to you, You chose sex work."

"Yes. I have a talent for getting into the mind of men and I chose to use it for a profit."

"But you hide you face in every photo that you take."

"How much do you enjoy being recognized while you are out with your wife and kids hoping for quiet time?" I looked him straight in the eyes and watched him squirm and I knew his answer would be a lie.

"They are my fans. It is part of my job." he squirmed harder when I didn't answer. "No I don't like it."

"So then you understand why I do what I do. I do not want clients walking up to me when I have my kids are at birthday party. Or even at their school. Nor do I want some horny stranger I have not screened getting the wrong idea."

"You have a way of reading people that seems unnatural, why is this?"

"I pay attention. Just as I know you squirm when you are going to lie about something. And he is loyal to you but curious as to how it would be to serve me because he keeps stealing glances but won't look me straight in the eye out of shame."

My interviewer sat bold upright and his assistant stood like a dear in head lights.

"You don't sugar coat anything do you?"

"If you mean will I lie to make someone fell better, NO. However, if I feel I will scare someone off I will rephrase in a way that is politer and better socially acceptable."

"Don't you feel guilty for taking money from these people?"

"No. They are either going to spend it on me as an experienced Domme or they are going to spend it on some teenager pretending. I just pay attention to what is too much and what is just enough."


When you are strong enought to believe in yourself no matter what life tosses your way, you will stand out. You will show others that you are a leader and a Dominant.

Topics: findom, dynamics, reality
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