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Ms. Pauley Belle
by on November 14, 2019


   It is that time of year again. Holidays can be stressful.  Stress can be positive or negative. We have the hustle and bustle of parties, family, and friends. People can feel overwhelmed.   

   With fewer hours of sunlight, it can affect mood. Being around Family is chaotic. Shopping with huge crowds is suffocating. There are so many social and environmental triggers this time of year. A lack of a support network can make it hard. 

   If you find yourself spiraling down that "rabbit hole", reach out and ask for help. When you feel bad for long periods of time, reach out. Reach out to family and friends. Keep active with things or people you enjoy. Yes, that even means hanging out in the chatroom on your favorite website. If you are having serious issues, seek professional help. Every person matters. Attached is a list of phone numbers in the U.S. to use when you need help.  Please add helplines in other countries. 

Have a Safe, Sane, & Consensual Holiday Season! 

Topics: holidays, hotlines, ssc
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I don't know in other countries, but in Spain if you google something suspicious the first result is the suicide prevention hotline. It's called "Teléfono de la esperanza" (The hope phone). Christmas holidays can be a very hard time for some people.
Like November 14, 2019
the silent member
Beautiful message and very thoughtful Ms Belle. i would just like to add that most of stress most people have in their lives they create for themselves by their attitudes and choices. The major holidays are a classic example of this as so many people strive for the perfect Christmas, thanksgiving, e... View more
Like November 14, 2019