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Cash Verified Slaves
by on November 12, 2019

First off this is just my opinion. If you are one who gets offended for small things then please level my profile.

I have just spend the last few hours chatting with someone from my past. While we were growing up this was a guy that could have any woman in town. Young or old, this guy was one hell of a bed mate. Without going into to much detail, I learned a lot just form observing and honest communication from him over the years. Here is a little insight into the head of a man.

Him: I was asked one day if I was an ass of tits man. I told them please do not make me chose.

Me: I had both. You never had to chose. Which always made my female friends so pissy and jealous. I never understood that.

Him: Well you had a way of showing off what you had without being trashy. Most woman show anything possible to get a male to look. Which works for the "right now needs" but not in the long term.

Me: Ok dick doc...explain.

Him: Well in terms of shoes, would you take the well worn reboks that are falling a part at the seems from use? Or would you take the well cared for, well packaged Louboutin?

Me: Go on.

Him: A woman who is modest but sexy is the Louboutin. A woman who is dressed to show every single bit of skin possible to the point of almost always nude is the reboks. I want mystery an layers I can peel back. No need to play hard to get but make me work for it. I can get laid any day. But a woman with class is hard to find.

Me: You still miss the fact that I could peak your interest with a swish of my hips or a well placed hug and make you walk around all day with a boner.

Him: Woman it has been years since I was laid to the point that I didn't want to move the next morning. And yes that was last with YOU. *whispers* And thanks for the boner again *grumbles*

Me: *giggle* Too bad I am all the way in Europe and out of reach.

Him: I have not touched you in 16 years...yet you can still mind fuck me and you know it. *glare*

Me: Well dear, I learned from the best. 

Him: I just added to what you already had. You just needed someone to point in out and fine tune it. And I had to be the dick to walk away.


He is the only ex that I will still speak to. In fact none of my "friends" from my past even speak to me because of jealousy. Jealousy and greed stop so many people from learning anything. If you want to make men especially stick around long term make them work for it. Make them need to be with you. Make the beg and tease their wallet. A good mind fuck is hard to do and a skill that should be learned as soon as possible. 

The reason I share this is because men can get tits, ass and porn anywhere for free. If you want him addicted to YOU, make sure his mind is your first target. Him mind will be the yoyo to any other body part including that bank account.

Here is another example. This one is a new sub just days in and he can't keep me off his mind. Cause and effect.

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loved to read that
Like November 12, 2019