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Cash Verified Slaves
by on November 11, 2019

You know when you are in the right business.

Your body screams with excitement and you can't wait to get started with creating, playing and just loving it.

I had a dream before I was an adult to find something that made me feel this way. Any decision I made had to fill me with that amount of excitement. Few people know that this is your inter self telling you that you are on the right path in life.

I sat and watched so many people I knew take "jobs" that made the miserable. Or buy things they really didn't want because someone else would think better of them. Purchasing houses that where more of a financial burden than it ever should have been. Just spending to make another person happy.

I was so thrilled that I figured that this business has always been something I had passion for. I started but learning as a submissive so I knew what it was like to be on the other side of the whip. I spent a year this way before an event caused us both to realize that dominance is where I best fit.

I started working slowly building the life I dreamed of. Growing my power through knowledge and experience. When you work hard enough it doesn't always feel like work. At some point it becomes a hobby that makes money.

When I meet a new sub, if this person isn't in balance with what I want and feel then I don't accept. Just as a sub should never serve someone who does not feel them with pride to serve. Keep this in mind when you search both on and offline. If the energy of you both is not right then experience will not be worth your time.