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Cash Verified Slaves
by on October 26, 2019

Today has been one of the hardest laughs in this kind of work. I am to a point in the business that I don't need to depend on a sub to pay. I can walk right out my front door at any time and do exatly what I want. So when I get messages with a list of demands or something that doesn't please me I can easily decline.

Today just topped so many excuses. A person come to me with XXX to pay for me to send him tasks. (At first this was fine). Then his next email was a full essay (10,000 word) of demands and time he wanted me to spend on him.  The tone was not at all respectful. It was about as demanding as a toddler after having thier favorite toy taken away. Then he added "And if you do not complie to this I will block you."

My reply was "No sorry, I don't have the time. Feel free to block me."

Next email was yet another essay was never read. Since this morning I have recieved about 15 emails from this same person and not one has been read since. Finally he contacted me on another platform. Trying to play as a Sugar Daddy but used the exact same photos as from the email account. So my reply was the same.

Ten minutes ago he broke. "I am sorry for my ignorance. How many I serve you properly." Only at this point did I take the time to explain what I expected and why I would not spend hours of my day being a babysitter. I was the first woman in his life that had every told him NO. 

Moral of the story: Know exactly what you want. Even when someone crosses a boundary breathe...deep...and firmly state no. 

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I'm both surprised you didn't block him and blown away that he caved! Well played!
Like October 26, 2019
Thank you for your insights and sharing your experiences. I hope to be as resilient as you when my boundaries get tested in the future as a domme. You're awesome!
Like October 26, 2019