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Jezebel Sinclair
by on May 31, 2016
I’ll keep this short and sweet. In 2014, I rebranded hard. A lot of you remember that.
I took on an industry “surname” instead of just Miss Jezebel and I also started heavily promoting my Double Domination projects with other people. I promoted so hard, that after months, it turned into years and those years of Double Domme promo lost me the PERSONAL branding I originally wanted. I became a “package deal” which is something that I don’t want and never did. I’m my own person and I prefer it to stay that way - with my own fan and customer base.
I excel in the qualities I have when it comes to this fetish and that’s why my stable and customer list is not only big, but thriving. People want more of what I have to offer and for years I’ve been selling myself short.
That’s no longer going to happen. The change has been brewing for months, in fact, I have blogged about it in the previous month or two but it is finally coming to fruition. Having disbanded from certain projects has taught me a lot and I won’t be making the same mistakes again.

Having said that, I’m a millisecond from reaching my peak, and it’s going to be damn glorious.

The clock is ticking.