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Cash Verified Slaves
by on April 7, 2019

Been while since I have logged on. Vanilla life has me very busy but of course I will always be a Findom and of course , this PLACE will always be at NUMBER #. 

It's home here.

I log in and wonder is it the time frrame because I hardly SEE bois in here . The bois that Pay and the Bois who are in tune , in touch with our culture here. I logged on to fetlife and Bois from here Ran to serve me. Grasp, I have no pet peeve with Fet life BUT , yes there is a BUT, It is much safer to PLAY and for you Bois to Pay here. Findom is a site where FINDOMES are straightt- Up to the POINT. 

If you have an ISSUE here, SPEAK up and be real about it. Is it the format ? I actually like the OLD SCHOOL Format we had where we could look on CAM and SEE. I like the fact that on here, we actually get to know one another and speak the same language.

Findom isnt for everyone, this to I grasp but meeting folks on here is like an online Munch , take this bite, take that one and get your insult , conversation going. I do not find that comfort on other sites but I do find it here. 

WIth that , what is really going on up in here? We need to keep this ROOM going and flowing for its a Private escape worry- free , Yes in Many wys , with other sites , thier are horrible STORIES , deplorable to say the least , including the act of Death. NOT HERE!

DO tell , whats your TAKE? How do you FEEL because those of us who have Parked here , DO TRULY LOVE IT. 




To the Real FInsubs on this , you may GIFT me for the Brilliace in starting off a very meaningful Conversation, BLOG here. 

#No Owned subs SEND me a GIFTCARD " [email protected]





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Well what are the odds, i hardly ever come around here anymore but decided to pop in and i find a long lost Goddess. Hello Goddess Nelani Hope all is well with you.
Like July 19, 2022
Why thank you ... Goddess Giggles and thinks back to you, helping me tie you up. I do hope all is well with you .... Shall I be expecting my Vermont Cheddar. Again, Goddess Giggles ***
Like July 20, 2022