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Cash Verified Slaves
Den Mother Cy
by on March 28, 2016
An hour ago I was sitting in my Pj's enjoying a cup of coffee and I logged into Findoms to catch up with people.

Fifty five minutes ago I was excited, getting pants on, brushing my hair, and out the door so that I could join in on this awesome bit of excitement put on by Ms Pauley Belle!

$10.00 USd works out to $13.34 AUD.

This is what it looks like in pocket change.

So I picked up These Gorgeous cleaning cloths, and pegs! After all, one is a lovely soft side, the other is a rough you up size (perfect for scratching subs) and the extra means that I can gag the screaming bitch, or cut it in half and use it as a blind fold! PERFECT!

Then, because I like clean hands, a whole dollar on Anti bacterial hand cleanser, which I can mix with the glitter and watch you jerk off with for a sparkly reminder that I own your ass! For weeks and weeks after! because Glitter is craft herpes.

That cute little $1.00 metal ruler may look tiny and non threatening. Trust me, You're going to hate me when I've finished using it to beat the soles of your feet or the tip of your cock! Not to mention the corners will scratch you nicely, and still clean up without any problems for me.

And that brown tube. That's Henna. Darling, I'm going to STAIN the words "Property of Mistress Cyanide" on your ass and there is NOTHING that you can do but WAIT for it to wear off!

And my receipts, I was ready to walk out of the store with a whole 1.80 left over! YEAH! I made money!

BUT WAIT! What's that on the counter at a discount price?!

Pretty Ribbon that I can tie you up with AND use for a peg line!


So I took off with a whole pocket full of change, and came back with a final Five Cent Piece!

You know what. I think you can swallow that, you'll get it back in a couple of day!

LOL Love you all! And thank you for the Challenge Pauley! It was AWESOME!