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Cash Verified Slaves
by on January 27, 2019

It sickens me to keep hearing from prospective subs that they are becoming less and less active on sites because of scammers and instas. You know who I am talking about. We have all run into them. The young over thirsty messaging the world “Fuck you, pay me” drama.

There is a time and place to be greedy. There is a thing called manors and respect. Oh yes, and there is a thing call work. Put some effort into it.

Granted there are many who have been labeled wrong. They are new and know very little. So they emulate the ones who seem to be successful. The misinformation is flying around the net does make it hard sometimes to tell the difference between what should be and what it appears to be. 

If you are new, find a mentor, I do offer mentoring courses for a price and it includes one on one advice. However, if you come at me with an entitled I know it all attitude and not open to learning a thing I will kick your happy butt to the curb. I don’t have time for beating my head against a brick wall. It wastes my energy and yours.

Now before you run screaming I want money here are a few tips. Take the time to research things like;

SSC= Safe, Sane and Consensual.
RACK= Risk Aware Consensual Kink.
CCC= Committed Compassionate Consent. 
PRICK= Personal Responsibility Informed Consensual Kink.

Here is a nice place to get started:

Did you actually think I was going to do your research for you? (Laughing hard) No dear, I learned from the school of hard knocks and hard work. You’ll have to get your hands dirty and actually explore before you will truly get in where in this BDSM rabbit whole.

So go put your big girl panties on, google a few things and grow a few moral and humain balls. 💋


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would you be so kind to share.
Like January 27, 2019
Thank you dear!
Like January 28, 2019