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Cash Verified Slaves
by on January 17, 2019

I find it ironic I’m posting this here, but I didn’t know where else to do so.


All of my life I have greatly valued some of the stereotypic qualities of women. I am very mindful that any stereotyping of anyone is a path to disaster but nevertheless, in general I have felt that the majority of women are more emotionally aware, more psychologically insightful, and in certain ways more balanced than males. In general they have qualities which I admire more than many of the stereotypic qualities of males.


But that’s my own view…personal and certainly nothing that necessarily applies or should necessarily apply to anyone other than myself.


I was stunned to see the new American Psychological Association guidelines which describe traditional masculinity as pathological—honestly a few of those I agree with such as a propensity to violence or homophobia. But others such as emotional stoicism, achievement oriented, competitiveness, self-reliance and protective vigilance as Erica Komisar has written can be not only positive but have a biological basis.


I am trained in psychology, but this sort of thing makes me glad I left the field.


In the 1920’s if one looked at what therapists set as goals for individuals (independent of gender) basically their ideal person was a male. That of course was ridiculous. But it seems society is still trying to fit everyone into a single mold. I agree doing so does simplify things…just that it ignores certain inconvenient facts such as biology.


In the 80’s? (not sure) child rearing geniuses decided that to create gender equality, girls should be given toy trucks and boys given dolls. Fine, except overall gender won out. (I know plenty of women who as children never had any interest in dolls—again, I’m speaking of the majority.)


I don’t mean that environment doesn’t affect personality. Of course it does. My own developmental environment accounts for some of my being in this group. And of course people should be encouraged all their life to find balance and move in directions that work for both themselves and society.


But to label traditional masculine traits as pathological is a bit much for me.


The APA claims that they are doing this to help deal with the rising rates of depression and suicide among males. Maybe.


Or maybe it is partly due to the fact that society just can’t handle differences even among vanilla variants.

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2 people like this.
I did see the new gillette ad. This whole things stirs up mixed feelings within me. I think the primary trigger was the American Psychological Association creating guidelines of proper masculinity. Even though in pure fantasy mode it could ping my own unique interests. I guess I’m extremely attun... View more
Like January 22, 2019
There are clearly some 'bad' male behaviors that happen frequently, and unneccesarily, in the world--I don't see how a company bringing light to/speaking out against those behaviors is negative or offensive to men, as a whole. Males who feel attacked by that commercial probably have reason to take... View more
Like January 22, 2019 Edited
Miss Ally, thank you for your support of that commercial. It caused me to reflect further. Even though I wasn’t “against” that commercial really. My issue was and is about the APA declaring certain personality traits such as being less emotive or more competitive as necessarily needing correction as... View more
Like January 22, 2019
I have been reading through your blog and your responses, johnny. I seem to understand where youre coming from. The only thing I'd like to add is my opinion over the combining "toxic" and "masculinity". There was a meme that just zipped through my Facebook and it summed it up beautifully. You can ha... View more
Like January 22, 2019